STANWELL, Patricia Maria (nee Arnold)

Funeral Mass will be celebrated in Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Waratah for the repose of the soul of the late PATRICIA MARIA STANWELL.

STANWELL (nee Arnold)

The Relatives and Friends of Mr FRED STANWELL, MICHAEL and JO, GREG and LOUISE, TONY and JULIE, DAVID and JANICE, PATRICIA ANN, JUDY and DOUG FITZPATRICK, PETER and SIOBHAN, ELIZABETH and FAMILIES, the ARNOLD, STANWELL, CAMPBELL and MELVILLE FAMILIES are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved wife, mother, mother-in-law, Nanna, Great-Nanna, sister, sister-in-law and aunt, PATRICIA MARIA STANWELL, of Waratah to move from Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Platt Street, Waratah this TUESDAY (13/04/2004) afternoon after celebration of Funeral Mass commencing at 1.30 o`clock for the Sandgate Cemetery.

No flowers by request, in lieu donations may be left at the Service for the Mercy Hospice, Waratah.

Aged 72 Years
May She Rest In Peace

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