The Relatives and Friends of Mrs CVETA SEKULOVSKI, JENNY and VELE ILIEVSKI, BETTY and MENDE JAMEVSKI, STEVEN, MICHAEL, ANGELINA and NATASHA, NELO, DANA (dec`d), GENA, DONKA, ZORA, DRAGAN and BONA and FAMILIES are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle, PETAR SEKULOVSKI of Adamstown Heights to move from St. Mary`s Macedonian Orthodox Church, School Street, Broadmeadow this SATURDAY (20/12/2003) morning after Service commencing at 9 o`clock for the Sandgate Cemetery.

Greatly Loved,
Sadly Missed
JMF Broadmeadow ‘,0,9,23,’

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