Funeral Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph`s Catholic Church, The Junction, for the repose of the soul of the late KERRY GORDON RIDLEY.

he Relatives and Friends of Mrs IRENE RIDLEY, ROCHELLE RIDLEY, ALICIA RIDLEY, BRITTANY RIDLEY, GORDON and PAT RIDLEY, NOLA and the late ARCH HEWSON, the RIDLEY and HEWSON FAMILIES, are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved husband, father, son, son-in-law, brother, brother-in-law and uncle KERRY GORDON RIDLEY of Hamilton East and formerly of Wagga Wagga, to move from St. Joseph`s Catholic Church, Kenrick Street, The Junction, this MONDAY morning after the Celebration of Funeral Mass in Thanksgiving for his life, commencing at 10 o`clock, thence for the Sandgate Cemetery.
Aged 51 Years

May He Rest In Peace

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