RICH, Bill

RICH, Bill. Aged 81 Years

The Relatives and Friends of Mrs DELMA RICH, JAN and NEIL MORGAN, GEOFF and DIANNE RICH, KAY and GEOFF KUBANK, SUSAN and GREG GILMOUR, STEPHEN and KIM RICH and their FAMILIES, the late WALTER HENRY and SARAH RICH, PAT TERRY, MADGE RICH and the late JOHN RICH, the late NITA and DON McKENZIE, PAT RICH and the late DOUG RICH, the late BAILEY RICH, the FAMILY of the late VERA RICH, the RICH and FIELD FAMILIES are invited to attend the Funeral Service for their beloved husband, father, father- in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle GEORGE BILLINGE (Bill) RICH of Merewether this FRIDAY 02/01/2004 afternoon at 1.30 o`clock in St. Augustines Anglican Church, Llewellyn Street, Merewether. This Service will be followed by a Private Cremation.

JMF Broadmeadow

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