Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors to this site should exercise caution when viewing these memorials as they may contain images of deceased persons
Steven Joseph SKELTON Aged 47 Years Late of Belmont South Relatives and Friends of Mr and Mrs JOHN and CELIA SKELTON and FAMILIES were warmly invited to attend the Funeral Service of their much loved and never forgotten son, father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend STEVEN `Skelo` held at Macquarie Memorial Park, Palmers Road, Ryhope via…
HENRY RICHARD RODDA 20-Feb-22 to 12-Jan-04 The early years: Henry was born almost 92 years ago in February 1922 … on Mungery Station (where the Tomingley Creek meets the Bogan River, about 30 kilometres to the northwest of Peak Hill) where his father Ted had drawn a settlement block and called it “Riverlea”. There Ted…
Magdalena WITKOWSKI Late of Edgeworth Aged 81 Years Relatives and Friends of Mr FRANK WITKOWSKI, KAZ and BARBARA and their FAMILIES were warmly invited to attend the funeral service of their beloved wife, mother. mother-in-law, grandmother and great grandmother MAGDALENA held in the Holy Cross Catholic Church Glendale on WEDNESDAY 31/12/2003 . A private interment followed this service.