MADDOX, Joseph Edward

Joseph Edward MADDOX, Late of Speers Point

Died peacefully July 28, 2003. Aged 80 Years.

Loved husband of BERYL, father and father-in-law of ALLAN and PATRICIA MADDOX, KEVIN and BARBARA MADDOX, PETER MADDOX, MAREE and JEFF ALEXANDER, MARK and LISA MADDOX and loving pop and great pop to their FAMILIES, loved brother, brother-in-law and uncle of the MADDOX and GREESHAW FAMILIES.

The Relatives and Friends of JOE were warmly invited to attend his Funeral held in Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church, Main Road, Boolaroo on THURSDAY (31/07/2003). Funeral Mass for the repose of his soul commenced at 9.30am. A private cremation followed.
May He Rest In Peace

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