Jean Isabel “Jeanie” Smith

Jean Isabel “Jeanie” Smith
Late of Shortland
Aged 87 Years

Dearly loved wife of CHARLES (dec). Beloved mother to DAVID, SHEILA, GEOFFREY, MAUREEN and mother-in-law to JOAN, FRANK, TANYA and PAUL (dec). Loved grandmother and great grandmother to the members of the BAXTER, BEETSON, OOSTENBROEK, LOUVAO and SMITH FAMILIES.

Relatives and Friends are warmly invited to attend JEANIE`s Celebration of Life, to be held at the Newcastle Spiritualist Church, Swan St. Newcastle this WEDNESDAY 18/06/08 commencing at 11am thence for burial at Wallsend Cemetery.


Members and friends of the above Church be advised of the passing over of our friend and Life Member JEANIE SMITH.

  1. Macey (Sec)

A Short time has passed, but I know you will be happy . I wonder if you and your Sisters are in trouble with God for the ammount of tea you get through in one of your meetings love Sheilaxxx

A Short time has passed, but I know you will be happy . I wonder if you and your Sisters are in trouble with God for the ammount of tea you get through in one of your meetings love Sheilaxxx

A Short time has passed, but I know you will be happy . I wonder if you and your Sisters are in trouble with God for the ammount of tea you get through in one of your meetings love Sheilaxxx


Yoday I thought of you ,as I do every day.It is good to be able to write down my thoughts of you.I miss you each and every day but know you are in a better place Love always Sheilaxxx


Jean Isabel Carlton Smith

Just thinking of you,
It`s been 12 months since we lost Dad.

We sold Cobby Street.
It was the hardest thing I had to do.

I love you Mum and
I know you never wanted me to let it go.

So I hope you can forgive me for what I have done.
I know you wanted it passed on to Melissa but,
You wrote down what your wishes were and
I had to follow what you wrote down.

Please Forgive me Mum.
Love always Maureen.

For Mum 18/03/09
A million times I needed you
A million times I cried
If love alone could have Saved you
You never would have died
In life I loved you dearly
In death I love you still.

In my heart you hold a Piece.
No one could ever fill
Our family chain is Broken and nothing Seems the same

But as God call us one By One
The chain will link again
I miss you every day Mum
How do I live without  You

Love your daughter
Our Morn
(little one`s)

Happy Birthday
In loving memory
Of my Darling Little Nanna

This day comes with Sadness
Its` the day I lost my Nan

I little knew that Morning
God was going to Call your name.

In life I loved You dearly
In death I do the Same. It broke my Heart to lose you

You left me with Beautiful memories Nanna

You love is still
My guide And thought I cannot See you
Your always by my Side.

A golden heart Stopped beating Two shinning eyes At rest

God only takes the Best

Love you Always
Temeka Jade

If roses grow In heaven
Lord please pick A bunch for me
Place them in my Nanna`s arms
And tell her they`re
From me.

Tell her that I Love her And when she turns To smile

Place a kiss upon Her cheek And hold her for A while

Remembering her
Is easy
I do it every day

But they`re an ache
Within my heart
That will never go away

Love your granddaughter

Nanna we didn`t
Get a chance
To tell you goodbye

God took you very
Sadly we don`t
Know why

We thought of you
With love yesterday
And days before that to

We think of you
In silence
We often speak
Your name

All we have
Is memories and
A picture in a frame
Your memory is
Our keep sake
With which we will never

God has you in his
We have you in
Our hearts

With love.
I miss you heaps
If only I could visit
You and we
Could have our little

Love Keisha, Kody,
Tyler and Tanayah

Mum , So all is done as you wished it done, to have you with me, though would be better.Maureen is like a butterfly with new wings opening,we know you are having the time of your life with, Beatie Vi Margaret, and Walter,will be in Newcastle again soon, so look down on us with love, and keep us all safe,Sheila xx

Happy Mother`s Day

When I was a baby You would hold me in Your Arms

I felt your love and tenderness Keeping me safe from harm

I would look up into your eyes and all the love Id see

How did I get so Lucky that you Were the nan chosen for me

There is something special in a nans love
Seems it was sent to me from some place up above

My love is ever lasting I just want you to know

That your my special Nanna and I love to tell you

All my love, Your granddaughter

Thinking of you today  So many memories
So little time we had It should have been longer

But we think of you everyday Evey hour, every minute of our time
Until we meet again sometimes

Love Your loving Son David and your Daughter In-law Joan

This is a message for you mum
The love for you will never go away
You walk beside me everyday Unseen, unheard, but always near

Still loved and missed and very dear

Happy mothers day 2009
Miss you heaps
Love your loving daughter Our Morn

A grandmother is a special gift With which we never part

You walk beside me everyday and Whisper in my heart

A love beyond all time and space Of which you only knew
As a special place within my soul Only belongs to you

With a love that will echo through the ages

Love always your loving granddaughter and Great grand kids
Melissa,Keisha,Kody,Tyler and Tanayah



Have tried to think of you each night.A year has almost gone , knowing you are happy today and are looking down on all of us is wonderful, always think of the cups of tea that were drunk at 27 the kettle was always on, no porblem was not fixed over a cuppa. you and dad are always in my thoughts, love Sheila xx

Jean Isabel Smith (Nanna)

12 Mths has Come and Gone and you are missed more each day.


In my heart you will always stay

Loved and remembered everyday

Your loving granddaughter


A year ago with love from your daughter

I remember her freshly showered with soft scented hair

With a smiley, glowing face

I remember love and support

A joy to be with

She went without so much

But gave so freely

She was my best friend

Grandmother to my kids

But best of all she was my mum

I will never forget her

Love little one

My darling Nanna

Thank you for the years we have shared

The love you gave the way you cared

The happy days we spent together

Are precious memories

We will treasure forever

Love always Temeka Jade

To dear Nanna

One year has passed

And we miss your talk and laugh

We know you are with poppy

You will always be in our heart

Love Andrew and Rebecca

A smile, a laugh, a gentle cry

To wish we never said good bye

A hope, a pray that you were here

Fall upon a desperate ear.

A years goes by I can’t get back

Forever upon this endless track

A day will come we’ll meet again

Forever is near is Heaven sent.

Love your great granddaughter keisha

Mum am attending your grave on Saturday, miss you so much, have thought of you today yesterday and tomorrow with love Sheila

the sun shine is like your smile, keep us close in your heart love Tammy and Tania xxx


Happy birthday Mum, roses bloom in memory of you love Sheila


The time has come for treasured goodbyes. You will always be in my heart, in that special corner ,until we meet again, this is farewell.

Love always Sheila


Happy mothers day

Another mothers day has come already it just seemed like yeasterday that we were laughing and eating mothers day lunch with you and pop oh for the memorys

I love you and miss you my nanna

And you`ll always be in our hearts

Love you heeps

If only you can could hear me

To have a happy mothers day

But I know what you have taught me and you can hear every word I saysee you in my dreams Love your grandaughter Melissa

On mothers day

With love

 From your daughter


Many things have happened

Since you were called away

Many things to share with

You had you been left to stay

Everyday in some small way

Memories of you come my way

Though absent you are ever


Still missed loved and always

Dear your loving

Daughter maurs

Little ones

Mother,s day

Nanna my heart still aches

In sadness and secret tears

Still flow

I miss you Nannie

No one could ever know

What it meant to lose you

No one really know

Locked away in my heart

I love you Nan

With love

Your grand daughter

Temeka jade

It`s hard to say happy mothers day without you here


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