GILL, Gregory

GILL. Gregory

The Relatives and Friends of Mrs RUTH GILL, MICHAEL and GEMMA, LISA and SHANE BLAKE, PAUL and MICHELLE GILL, LOUISE and MATTHEW WARD and their FAMILIES, WALTER and BETTY GILL, DOUGLAS GILL are invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved husband, father, father-in-law, da, son, brother and uncle

GREGORY GILL Sgt. NSW Police Force Major A.D.F. (Artillery) Aged 54 Years
Late of Maryland

to be held at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church, Shortland, this MONDAY afternoon (05/01/2004) Funeral Mass commencing at 2 o`clock.
A Private Cremation will follow.
By request no flowers. Donations could be left at the Church for the Mercy Hospice Waratah.

MF Broadmeadow

Members of the above Association are requested to attend the funeral for their late member GREG GILL. Please see Family Notice for details.
D.Roworth (Pres)
I.Craig (Sec)


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