FRY, Jeffrey (Lambs)

FRY, Jeffrey (Lambs).
Passed away
14th February 2004
Late of Belmont.
The love of his wife
MARYANNE`S life dearly
loved son and brother of DORIS, FRANK (dec) and JEANETTE. Wonderful dad to GLENN, ADRIAN, KATRINA, CHRISTOPHER and LARISSA. Loved grandfather of THOMAS, embraced in fondest love by the IRELAND CLAN: FRANCES, MAL (dec), CHRIS, CATH, STEVE, HELEN, CELIA and JOHNNY. And all fellow `Outlaws`: CARMEL, TIM, BERN and MANDY, and all little nieces and
Aged 59 Years
The Relatives and Friends of JEFFREY are invited to attend his Funeral Service tomorrow THURSDAY (19/2/04) commencing at 12 noon in the Chapel of H.M.A.S Watson, Cliff Street Watsons Bay.

Parsons Funerals

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