FITZGERALD, John Michael

FITZ GERALD, John Michael. December 18, 2003, Suddenly. Aged 64 years.
Beloved husband of Yolande. Loving father and father-in-law of Maryannick and Steven and Pop to his grandchildren. Much loved son of Jack (deceased) and Edna Fitz Gerald. Loved brother
and brother-in-law of Patricia and Brian, Margaret and Brian and Joan and Peter (deceased) and their families.

Your memory we will always treasure. In our hearts you will stay forever.

JOHN`S funeral service will be held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, Kemps Creek, Wednesday (24/12/2003), commencing at 10 a.m. Following the service, the
cortege will proceed to the Kemps Creek Cemetery.

J. & C. HARDY.

388 Forest Road, Hurstville
9580 1554 A.F.D.A.

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