Dylan James Wallace

Dylan James Wallace

Aged 2 years 6 months


Stewart and Sarah warmly invite family and friends to attend the Funeral service of their precious Son, Grandson, Great Grandson, cousin and Nephew.

Dylan`s funeral service was held at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Platt Street Waratah on Friday 5th May 2006 commencing at 1.30pm

“Daddy`s little mate and Mummy`s little man.

We love you.”

My dear nephew nothing has been the same since you went away, nothing seems important. all we do is think about you, we smile and laugh at the fun times we shared but cry cause we wont get a chance to have any more of those memories.we all miss you so much but know that you are with us always in our hearts love alwaysaunty colleen, uncle shane,your cousin`s james, kiana and shaylawe see you later okHi,    Mummy and zac, jake and ali, just want to let you know we miss you, love you and are constantly thinking of you, sharing your good memories, zac wants you to know hes racing tomorrow in your memory and your honour and he also said hes going to go really fast.Love you little man.I`m not exactally sure what to write, as i am not a close friend or family member. But as this is a memorial for Dylan, I would like to say a few words…To look at your photo almost breaks my heart. Your sweet little smile and gorgeous rosey cheeks; make missing so surreal. I still cant believe you`re not here. Even-though we didnt spend much time together; you certainly touched my heart and captivated my mind. (I could get lost in the world of Dylan.) YOU`RE A SPECIAL LITTLE GUY!You will be sadly missed, eternally loved and forever in the hearts of so many..miss ya little buddy.




My Precious Boy

You touched the hearts and lives of many. Our lives will never be the same without you, your baby blues and cheeky smile, but you have made our lives richer for knowing you. You will never be forgotten and always in our hearts and memories. You tackled life full on and were always busy running, playing golf and fixing things. The excitement you showed at the greyhound races cheering gabby and wanting to jump out of the boxes and run down the track. These and many more memories we will carry for ever and a day. We love you my precious boy and always will. You are with the angels now and probably keeping them very busy.

Till we meet again 

Lots of hugs and kisses

Mimmy,Dickhead and Nonna

Dylan you will always be in our hearts and in our heads every day i wake up and look on my beside table and see the photo of you in your little farmer hat and wish i had a son that is just as handsome and funny as you were and i realise that not only were you a friend you were like my little brother you will always have your mummy and daddy and i will never replace them but i will always love, miss and cherish what Danielle and i shared with youWe Will Always Miss You DylanLove Always Erin-Ann Croce & Daniel Taylor

baby boy its mummy, you are a very loved little man, you touched so many people just by looking at someone you make them smile and they would smile back cause the warmth of your love is so strong. I would give anything to spend another day with you to hear your laugh, your stories, to feel the touch of your hands on my face as you planted a kiss, the warmth of your love as you cuddled me tight. Dylan you are forever with me in my heart for each time it beats it beats for you. 

LOVE YOU little man all my love Mummy

   P.S. A child and there mother never truly part they are bound to the beating of each others hearts.  Dylan, We only met a few times, but in those few but precious moments we can honestly say your smile captured our hearts.We remember saying to your Aunty Rachel what a gorgeous little boy you are and we were  absolutely amazed at how inquisitive your eyes and expressions are.You are such a beautiful little boy and we are sure you will bring the angels as much happiness as what u brought your family and friends…….Our thoughts are forever with you Dylan…….All Our Love……Renee,Michelle & Tyson.xxxxx P.S    Our deepest love & thought are with u Sarah.xxxxxxx


Hey little buddy its Aunty Kasey, just a short little message to let you know how much i miss you being around. To me you are my nephew and to loose you so suddenly was a shock to me and every one that loves you.You will always be a special little boy to me and i will love, cherish and hold you in my heart forever and a day.

Until i see you again, keep those angels busy little buddy.                           Love Always and Forever,                                   Aunty Kasey.                                    xoxoxoxoI had fun playing with you. I miss you so much. I will never forget you. Love always Shoboia-Belle. And for Sarah and Stewart;I`m sorry you lost Dylan. You must be sad. I am too…

Nick Dylan

I remember the first day i met you, you were only 3 months old at Aunty Colleen`s and Uncle Shane`s wedding and even then your smile would light up a room, you are such a loved little boy and that first smile that you gave me will stay with me everytime i think off you.

Love Lucy & Hayden


Baby boy it`s Mummy i still constantly think about you and wish i could hold you again, i know my time will come and we will be together again.  The love i have for you will never fade and we all can still feel the love you send us. You are my diamond in the sky and i know one day we will sparkle together.

                        All my love Mummy 9/6/2006

From Uncle Simon at Corpus Christie Church Waratah on Friday 5th May 2006.

I would first like to say that I am honoured and grateful to be given the opportunity to talk about Dylan on behalf of my family in front of the people that know and love this precious little boy.

In the early hours of Friday 12th of September 2003, Dylan James Wallace was born at the John Hunter Hospital. He was a healthy baby with dark hair and his father`s and grandfathers blue eyes.

Within a couple of weeks, Dylan first gave that cheeky smile that we will all remember him for. This smile gave us some incite into Dylan`s personality. As he grew, his happy, trusting and mischievous nature did also.

He enjoys wrestles, motor bikes, getting dirty and animals, especially dogs and horses. Such was his love and fascination with animals that you would have thought he wanted to be one. His grandmother, his Mimmy, talks of taking Dylan to the dog races and how Dylan would want to wear a collar and jump out of the boxes like the greyhounds. He loved black dogs, when he saw a black dog racing, he would yell with the enthusiasm and excitement only he could conjure, “Go Gabbie, Go!”

His great grandmother, His Nonna, talks of the special times they shared. How she would feed him apple and custard and play golf in Nonna`s paved back yard with brightly coloured miniature golf clubs.

She enjoyed him at lunch on a Saturday and his hunger for boiled carrots. She will tell you that once he ate them straight from the pot. And that he would use a mop, place it under his legs and gallop, imagining that he was riding a horse, again, his love for animals.

After Dylan was born, Stewart and Sarah asked Kate and I to be Dylan`s God parents. This was a role in his life that we were deeply honoured to have. Stewart and Sarah, thank from us both, it is a privilege.

I only spent a short time with Dylan, but like everyone, I was blown away by his smile. I got to play golf with him, with the same brightly coloured golf clubs. He showed me how to wiggle my behind before playing a shot. And I got to run around with him and play with him, I remember thinking what a great kid he is, I could tell that he was truly happy being a little boy.

Now I would like to give some messages for Dylan.

From Aunty Colleen, Uncle Shane, Kiana and Shayla:

I told Dylan that he was always welcome at my house, welcome to play with the kid’s toys and welcome to ride my horse.

We are going to miss his character, his humour and his cheeky smile, but those memories will remain with us forever. We are grateful that we had the time with Dylan to have those memories.

From James, Dylan`s cousin:

I really whish he was back. No one can replace him.

From Kristy:

Stewart would say to me Dylan had me wrapped around his little finger, and he did. He would go to me if he wanted something, like biscuits before dinner. He knows that I can’t resist the way he would turn his head to one side, look up at me and blinks those little eyes.

The other day we were hanging out washing. Dylan was handing us the pegs. Dylan wanted something from inside. He walked up to the third step from the bottom, turned to us, held out his index finger to us and said, “Stay there, I’ll be back in a minute.” This shows what a confident and cheeky boy Dylan is.

I enjoyed our time together. I enjoyed his help. He used to help me with the washing, putting clothes into the washing machine, and packing the dishwasher. He got his little cup from the coffee table, he brought it over and put it into the dishwasher, he even helped out putting the soap in and closing the door.

I remember him mimicking Stewart cutting his finger nails. He really looked up to Stew. They had a real good father – son bond.

From what I saw of Stewart and Dylan, I could see that he is a really good father to his little boy. He devoted his life to Dylan.

From Stewart:

Dylan always made me feel proud all of the time. I loved how everything I was into, like bikes, cars and fishing, even though he never got to go fishing, Dylan was into as well.

He even loved doing things that I didn’t like doing, but had to do. Like mowing the lawn with his toy mower, wearing boots and protective eye glasses.

I can’t explain how much I’m going to miss him.

I’ll always think of him when I’m doing the things that we loved doing together, like dog races and family lunches.

I know you’re up there with Nonno, Dad and your first mate Gypo.

I know you’re in good hands.


Your smile is so warm like the sun, first thing in the morning . I will sit in that sun just to feel your warmth and remember your smile. Aunty Rachel 


hey dylan its erin can you do me a favour can you stay with my dad i know he must be hurting not having us kids up there with him and if your there he will look after you i promise  (26/7/2006)

baby boy, its your birthday in a couple of days and i dont know what to do, everything is just so hard nothing is the same i miss you so much. Its not fair i cant give you a kiss or a hug on you birthday i won`t get to see you smile. Every day it hurts more and more, so on your birthday i will yell out happy birthday and i love you and hopefully you will hear me, sending all my love to you on your  3rd birthday on the 12-9 with every ounce of love in my body.                              love mummy  (10/9/2006)

Happy 3rd Birthday little man, I`m sure your up there keeping those angels busy

                                            Love Lucy & Hayden (12/9/2006)

We sent a cheeseburger last time for your 3rd birthday and this year we hope to send you another.  We had some trouble getting the cheeseburger off to you and hope you got it safe and sound.  We`ve ironed out all the kinks for you now and WOW, you are turning 4 this year and we hope to have a BBQ with all your friends and family.  Right now Transformers are the in thing and I can imagine that you would love them.Luke, Grace and Reece are now 7 and not a day goes by where we don`t talk about or think about you and they always keep count of your brithdays and old you will be turning.We talk about you like you are still here and all the memories that we have, we will pass on to your little sister.Your mum is such a strong woman who has shown me her strengths and courage.  Everyday is a growing experience for us all but we all still need lots of hugs and I will pass one onto her.Always in our hearts and thoughts.  Never to be forgotten.Aunty Rachel, Luke, Grace and ReeceP.S.  Grace is in the hundred meters and we all know that she can`t run that fast.  So maybe you can lend her your wings know that you are an angel.


Thinking of you on your sixth birthday.

As the years go by keeping you close in my heart. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.

Love always Mumma1


In The Care Of


Newcastle Family Owned

Ph 4956 4221

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