The Relatives and Friends of MARIA DENNING and FAMILY, NORMA and MERVYN MULLEY, LAURIE DENNING (dec) and KENNY DICK were invited to attend the Funeral Service for their much loved husband, father, step-father, father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle and friend DES DENNING

Aged 74 Years Late of Mayfield  held in the North Chapel of the Crematorium, Beresfield  on 8th August, 2003

Much Loved and Sadly Missed

Very much loved and missed by all, you will always be in our hearts.


Luv you

dad we miss you so much has happened since you have been gone see you in heaven we love you  love maria tina brad david lynnette evonne veronica roach debbie barry  and all the family we luv  you


our father has left us for a while, but in spirit he is near. His ashes we scattered at jimmy`s beach,thats where he wanted to be.Dad holds a special place in our hearts that will never disappear.Four years on and their are still tears for someone we all love so dear.We think of him often, and wish he was still here.


death leaves a heartache that noone can heal

love leaves memories that noone can steal

    happy fathers day love all of us

         missing you xxx

my love for you will never fade as I won`t forget the friendship that we made… all my love goes to you as you where always sweet and true… I love you pop I really do. Lots of love Tahlea xo

hey pop its been 6years and i still miss you everyday, you would about to become a great grand pop if you were still here i only have 6 days until she arrives i`m naming her dakota. I love you pop xoxo

hey dad you have mum with you now hope you are looking after each other we miss you both so much xx

Dad,missing you heaps,take care of mum for us

Love you lots xxxx

miss you dad I never forget you , please take care of our mum shes up there now but I really do miss her so very much


Merry Christmas Dad I love you and miss you xx


I miss you so much

More then words can say

You ment the world to me I can`t believe you`ve been gone so long I knew you wouldn`t of been here forever but I just wished you could of stayed just that little bit longer I wish I could just spend one more day listening to your riddles and jokes you used to tell us And how you used to muck around with us I miss you so much I can`t hold back the tears The pain of you gone doesn`t lessen as time goes by it just hurts more I love you to death and I wish you were here 🙁 I love you pop Xoxo Tahlea 31/01/10

Sent from my iPhone

Can`t believe you have been gone so long still feels like yesterday.

Dad I still think of you each day and wish you and mum were here. You have mum now so look after each other and I will look out for you two, two beautiful stars together in the night sky watching over your family.Love and miss you heaps xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


When nights are cold and stars are few, I close my eyes and think of u. A silent hope, a silent tear, a silent wish that you were here

love tina xxxx


It`s been to long pop, my heart still aches and my tears still flow. I`d give anything to have you back, anything for one last cuddle. I have 3 beautiful babies now, I would of loved for you to meet them.

My little boy is named after you, I named him Tatum Desmond-Joseph, and I can`t wait to tell him all about you and where his middle name came from.

I have 2 beautiful girls, Dakota and Evoleht … Oh how I wish you could meet them.

I miss you more then words can say, you ment the world to me, I love you xo



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