BOND, Alec

The Funeral Service for the late Mr ALEC GRAEME BOND will be held at St Peters Eastern Hill Anglican Church, (cnr Albert & Gisbon St) East Melbourne FRIDAY (30/01/2004 ) commencing at 2.30 p.m. The funeral will leave at the conclusion of the service for a burial at Northern Memorial Park (Flinders Lawn) at Box Forest Rd, Glenroy.

Mr. Alec (Chick).
The Board, Management and Staff of Southern Health wish to pay tribute to the work of the late Mr. Alec (Chick) Bond, a former Surgeon at the Prince Henry`s Hospital. Mr Bond contributed much to the activities of the hospital, especially in clinical service and education.

BOND, Alec Graeme.

Passed away peacefully 27th January 2004. Loved husband of June (dec). Loved by Graeme, Janet, Beverley & Michael.


“Chick“ – A great friend. You will be sadly missed our football, cricket, gallery and yum cha visits.

Keith and Dorothy.

BOND, A. G. (Chick).

Fond memories of a great friend and gentleman.

Margaret and Ian Leonard

A LEC GRAEME BOND 1926 – 2004
Loved son of Alec and May Bond and Brother of Stuart.
Loved long friend and loved brother of Wendy (Carey). Brother in-law
of Noel and Paul. Uncle of John and Meg, Janice, Ian and Lynette. Great of Uncle of Vivienne.
Wonderful memories.


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