BODY, Janet Caroline

BODY, Janet Caroline.
Late of Redhead Aged 63 Years

Dearly loved wife of HANS, much loved mother and mother-in-law of DIANE BODY, and PETER WADE, loved daughter of IDA AYLEN, beloved sister, sister-in-law and aunt of PAT and RON WILSON and FAMILY, TOM AYLEN and FAMILY (UK) and the WILSON, LAMBERT and BODY FAMILIES.

The Relatives and Friends of JANET are warmly invited to attend her Funeral to be held in Pettigre`ws Funeral Chapel, cnr Pacific Highway and George St, Belmont this MONDAY (20/10/03) Service commencing at 10.30am.
A private Cremation will follow this Service.
In lieu of flowers donations in memory of JANET may be left at the Service for the Cancer Council.

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