Late of Fletcher
Passed away 10th January 2022
Aged 58
Anthony John Wellings “Tony”

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6 responses to “Anthony John Wellings “Tony””
Although I didn’t know Tony, only having met him a few times I know he was a loving and devoted father. Ashlee you have many wonderful memories of your dad which will help through this difficult time. One day you will be able to look back with smiles and laughter at the special relationship you both had.
In all the years I worked with Tony,he has always been a great bloke ,and friend at work or functions and nothing was any trouble for him.I always enjoyed having a beer and a joke with him.Will be sadly missed Krabby
Known the family for many many years.Way too young to pass.He will be missed.Love Glenys and Brian.
Known the family for many many years.Passed way too soon.He will be missed.Heartfelt condolences to Janet Alan and Cherie.Love Glenys and Brian.
Lovely service Denise,Ashley did her father proud.Thinking of you and all the family today Krabby
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