The Relatives and Friends of SHIRLEY RIGBY, WAYNE and LISA RIGBY, RAYLENE and PETER GREEN, BRONWYN and NEIL MARVELL and their FAMILIES, the RIGBY and PURNELL FAMILIES are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service for their dearly loved husband, father, father- in-law, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and friend
Aged 77 Years
late of Bellbird and formerly of Wollongong, to be conducted in St. John`s Anglican Church, Westcott Street, Cessnock this WEDNESDAY26/11/2003, commencing at 1 p.m.
This Service will be followed by a private cremation at St. Patrick`s of Nulkaba
Wholly Australian,
Independent & Family
Owned Since 1925
4990 1425
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