C.E.J. (Ted) Lee

C.E.J. (Ted) Lee

Husband of the the late  Valerie Lee

Late of Waratah formerly of Lambton
90 Years Young

The Relatives and Friends of the LEE Family were warmly invited to attend TED`s Funeral Mass held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Dixon St, Lambton on WEDNESDAY 15/08/2007 commencing at 2pm.




 Directors and Members of the above Club are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late member TED LEE .

O. Kilpatrick (Pres)
P. Gardner (CEO)


Fond memories of working with Ted on exciting BHP Construction projects in the 1960s and later on Project Management.
Noel James


Dear Pa & Nanna Pa,
I miss you. I remember Pa gave me cards that he made himself and it had money in it.  I know Nanna Pa made rock cakes.  I got to see them a lot.  I wish I could see you again.  I really do want to see both of you again but I know you are in heaven.  Are you looking down at me? Do you know my brother Sethy? I really really really really miss you. I was going to ask you if you were going to come to my birthday but it was too late.  You`ll be looking down anyway.  Please spend time with Nanna Pa.
Lots of love
Elijah & Seth.


What a privilege it has been for me over the past 7 or 8 years, to be there for you and Mum when things were not as easy for you as they had been. I always felt safe and secure when I was growing up, knowing that you both were there, always doing your best for us all as a family.  Having children of my own I know life can often be a struggle, so perhaps I understand a little more the sacrifices and difficulties, as well as the joys which you must have experienced.
Dad, I know how you worried after Mum died that you hadn`t “done enough”, but from my point of view, I know you did more than some people may have been able to do.  I hope now you are in Heaven with Mum as reward for a “life well lived”.
I always enjoyed the many hours we spent reminiscing about your life before and with Mum, and despite your humility I considered you a great man who never wasted his God given gifts, of which there were many. And when your health deteriorated so rapidly only a couple of months before you died. you never once complained about how you must have been feeling.  Your only worry seemed to be that you were being a “pest” to everyone who was looking after you.
I am so glad we celebrated your 90th birthday in January with a party.  It was a testament to the high esteem in which you were held by so many people who have shared your life as family, friends, work colleagues and fellow residents from your recent homes.  It was evident in the wonderful words that were spoken by all of these people in recognition of their love and respect for you.
And now you are gone after some very special moments we shared in your last days on earth.  Your faith and acceptance of God`s plan for you were an inspiration to me, and I pray that I will have the same courage and humility when I am faced with whatever is God`s plan for me.
Your loving daughter,




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