Gail Stoddart
Late of New Lambton
1947 – 2014
Gail passed away suddenly on 27th December 2014.
It was Gail`s expressed wishes that she be cremated and that no service be held.
Gail was cremation on Wednesday 27th December 2014
Rest In Peace Gail
“Fly with the angels”
My dear great Aunty Gail (angel) unfortunately this is my last letter to you. I`m so grateful for our time together, i knew I could tell you anything and there was never any judgement from you, only unconditional love and respect.
You were my friend and I miss you so much but I know your where you would prefer to be now with your parents! I love you.
Love always angel1 and angel 2
Dailey Family Funerals
4956 4221
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