Stewart John McDONALD


The Relatives and Friends of the late STEWART JOHN McDONALD of Beech Street, Muswellbrook, dearly loved son of JOHN and CATHY McDONALD, much loved brother of JULIE, TRACEY, LYNDALL and their FAMILIES were respectfully invited to attend his Funeral Service. The Service will be held at the Baptist Church, Gunnedah on THURSDAY 11th January, 2007 commencing at 11 a.m., thence for private cremation.


Special thoughts and prayers for all of Stew’s family and Crystal. Stew was a great mate to so many, he will never be forgotten.




Dear Stew,

It feels so long since you were part of my life but you are continuously in my thoughts and in my heart. You were my one true love, my soul mate, my closest friend, and without you my life has not been the same. 2007 was a horrible year with you passing away in January and then beautiful Leigh (who used to crack you up) taken from us in May. 

I`m trying to make the most of every day for both you and Leigh as i have learnt the cruel way how precious life really is. How life ended up this way I still don`t understand but if I could speak to you again I would tell you that I forgive you and seek the same.

I feel honoured to have been your wife and I will never forget the bond that we shared, your cheeky nature, your love for the outdoors (fishing/camping/rallying), and most importantly your love for your friends and family.

Stew, you will always have a place in my heart and be lovingly remembered.

Love Crystalle

(1 Corinth 13:13) And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


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