Stewart Hamish & Andrew Lachlan WATTS

Born 2 May 1982.

Andrew Lachlan died 2 May 1982.

Stewart Hamish died 7 May 1982.

Cherished sons of Leanne and much loved brothers of Michael.

Loved and missed every day by Mummy xxx

Born 2 May 1982

Missing you both today and always.

Love Mummy xxx


My Beautiful Twin Boys born 2 May 1982.

Andrew Lachlan died 2 May 1982.

Stewart Hamish died 7 May 1982.

Always in my heart,

Mummy xxx

Born 2 May 1982

Stewart died 7 May 1982

Andrew died 2 May 1982

My precious boys – Always in my heart

Mummy xxx

Born 2 May 1982

Today you would have turned 30 but instead you will always be my tiny babies.

Forever missed.

All my love always, Mummy xxx


My beautiful baby sons. Born 2 May 1982.

Always in my heart.

Love Mummy xxx


My beautiful baby boys. Never forgotten.

Love Mummy xxxxx


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