Funeral Mass will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral Hamilton for the Repose of the Soul of the late WINCENTY SOKOLOWSKI.


The Relatives and Friends of Mrs STANISLAWA SOKOLOWSKI, MICHAEL and MAUREEN SOKOLOWSKI, SHANNON, MARGARET and ETHAN, EDWARD and SONIA SOKOLOWSKI, PETER and ANTHONY, NATALIE and STEVE WOODYAT, ANIELA PARAS, GARY, LORRAINE, TAYLAH and GEORGIA, HELEN PARAS, LEANA, ANDREW, ELLIE and JACK, SOPHIA, MARK and ANGELA TRZCINKA are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather WINCENTY SOKOLOWSKI of New Lambton to move from Sacred Heart Catholic Cathedral, Hunter St, Hamilton this FRIDAY (21/05/2004) afternoon after celebration of Funeral Mass, commencing at 1.30 o`clock for the Sandgate Cemetery.

Aged 93 Years
May He Rest In Peace

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