Ruby Rez

Ruby Rez


Passed away peacefully 9th September 2007

Late of Toronto

A graveside service will be held on Friday 14th Sept. 2007 for Ruby at Toronto commencing at 11am

Dear Susan and Family, Please accept our sympathies to you all for your very sad and dear loss in your family. I know you will all find comfort and Love amoungst each other, and I pray you can find Peace from your suffering with God`s Love.

Sincerely Thinking Of You- Janice Bormann

Hello mum, hope that you are in a happy place. I miss you so much it hurts. Went for a drive to Merriwa yesterday, was playing some old country tapes and delta dawn came on, cried my eyes out. I have know one no, to talk to, so this is good for me. Craig was great the other day, I think perhaps he realised I needed time out, and was really good. Well Mum till we talk again, I love you, miss you and need you.

Keith-James sends his love to Nan.

Love always your daughter Veronika.

Mum I miss you so much and wish that you were here.

Keith said to give you three kisses.

We all miss you, love and need you.

Love always

Veronika. xxx

To Dear Ruby`s Family


Will always Remember the many cups of Coffee, chats & laughs we shared when you where my dear neighbour at Bolton point

My love goes to Hubby and Family in their Sorrow

I Know Ruby will watching over you with a mug of coffee in one hand & a Cigarette in the other

& that cute little smile of hers beaming at you all


Coral Allen & Family


Hello Mum, just needed to say I love you. Was feeling a little down, but better now, will come for a visit on Wednesday after work. Spoke to Dad last night, he cant find the photo album that you had out the other night of when you and I went to Nelsons Bay, he said let him know where it is please. Love you, need you, wish were here, but I know that you are. All my love always Veronika. Xxx.

To my beautiful nan, i will always have you in my heart and mind. i thank you for all the time we shared i love you with all my heart. There is now a hole in my life that will never be filled again. Love always Alois JR

Mummy darling I love you, guess I always will, it¡¯s so hard now, because your not here. Just wish you were here with us all, but we know that won¡¯t happen.

Always forever your daughter Veronika xxx


Dear Mum, I feel as though you are still here with us, maybe it¡¯s because you are, in our hearts and minds. I was given some cards back tonight that I gave you and here are two true things that are so very true¡¦..  Nobody can have the soul of me, my mother has had it and nobody can have it again. Nobody can come into my very self again, and breath me like an atmosphere. Who ran to help me when I fell, and would some pretty story tell, or kiss the place and make it well? My Mother. Thank you for being the best Mum ever. Love you always, Zonia.

Hello Mother, went and seen Dad last night, he seems to be ok, but you know that. I miss you and love you always your eldest daughter Veronika xxx

RUBY, loving wife of Alois,

RUBY, loving mother of Veronika, Suzan, Zonia, Emil and Tania.

RUBY,Grandmother of Michael, Keith-James, Cherie-Suzan (dec), Alois, Arthur, Anna,

Terry, Shane, Karra, Angie, Emil, Dom, Brenna, Anthony (dec), Louie.

RUBY, Great Grandmother to all their children.


RUBY, loving Daughter of Alice May Sullivan (Cohen) & Dennis Sullivan.

RUBY, loving Sister to Essie, (Ethal) Daughter (Cecelia)and Nippy (Kathleen)

RUBY, decendant of  the Wighton Mob, Bulgandramine Mission, Peak Hill.


RUBY, a proud, strong woman, a woman of love and hope.

Love you always, may your memory live long through your many following generations.

Your Daughter Veronikaxxx




A woman of srenght,

But so small and frail.

A fighter, a surviveor.

Through and through.

But beware of course, when her eyebrow was raised,

You knew you were in trouble,

When she gave you that stare.

A woman so full of love,

That kept her family together, through thick and thin.

This woman, our Mother

This woman, we love,

This woman, we will miss.



Written and read at the funeral service by Veronika Rez-Bailey.

Well Mum, what a weekend you had in store for us, Alois is fine now and needs to take it steady, Emil is still recovering in the hospital, but is okay.

It has now been 3 weeks since you left us, and it still hurts as much now, I don¡¯t think this pain shall ever leave me.

All my love always your loving daughter

Nan, we all miss you so much, wish we could tell you one more time how much we all love you, but  we think you already know that.

Forever our love is with you.

Your Grandson Keith, Lara & twin Great Grandsons Harrison & Isaac.





Mum I am really missing you and don¡¯t know what to do,

it is so hard that you are not here

I need to be able to see you and I can¡¯t and it hurts

I know that I have my memories and they will be there forever.

All my love always and forever

Veronika x x x


Hello Mother Darling,


I really need to talk to you so bad everything and everyone is falling apart,

And I don¡¯t know what to do, I don¡¯t know what is expected of me.

I try to please them all, and it just isn¡¯t working.

I love you Mum, with all my heart.


Your oldest Daughter Veronika

Hello my Darling Nan,

I miss you more with every passing day.

Your Great-Great Grandsons turned 1 year old last Sunday,

You would be so proud of them.

Me and Lara are good.

You will always be in my thoughts and dreams Nan.

Love always

Keith, Lara, Harrison & Isaac.

X X X  three kisses, remember Nan.



X X X   Veronika.


i know its been a while. sorry.
didn`t really know what to say, i thought it would be alot easier than this.
i cant help but think of you, your picture always with me, in my phone, i look at it everyday.
i think now that its near your birthday its a bit harder. just knowing its the first since you passed.
i still havnt been out to see you.
but i will be there on your birthday, i promise.

i really miss you.
i think its harder because i didn`t really get a chance to say goodbye,
i know you know i love you, with all my heart.
i always have.
i think i talked to you more than i even spoke to mum.
i just wish i had a chance to say goodbye, to tell you once more that i loved you,
i think that would have made it easier, maybe.

i dont think mums doing very well, but i haven`t talked to her in ages.

i miss you everyday, and plenty of times have i cried, but it doesn`t matter.
i`m allowed to cry, everyone is.

well i guess im gonna stop here, getting a bit long. lol

i just wanted to say i love you.

much luv

24th march 2008

i hate the fact that i cant come to you for help or advice, and neither can anyone else.
pops sick as and hasnt got long to go, since you died he hasnt gotten any better.
they didnt give him long till he`ll be with you again.
i hate it.
ive lost a few people in my life i care about and you and pop meant the most, i know he is still here for now, but it kinda makes it worse that i know he`s not gonna be here for long.
i miss you more than i can say or write in a message.
and death is never something anyone gets used to even though it happens everyday.
im not even sure why im writing this because i know you cant read it, but i think it kinda helps when i cant talk about it.
i love you and i miss you.
and i think about you everyday.
i got a tattoo in rememberance of you… i got a ruby tattooed on my write wrist… so your always with me everywhere i go.
i hate crying, but i been doing alot of it latley.
i wish i could stop.
i miss you so much.
i love you.




In conjunction with Aboriginal Funerals

Phone 4956 4221

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