Robert James Macdonald

Robert Macdonald


1951  –  2021

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9 responses to “Robert James Macdonald”

  1. Sheree Abberfield

    Thank you for all the funny times you provided us 🤣 the free or cheap taxi rides home after Ronnelle and I had lived it up in town to make sure we got home safe. Thanks for all the free chicken roll and tim tams, still 2 of my favs to this day.

    Sorry you had to leave earth side early but now you can watch over us all forever. Rest easy 💗

  2. Great bloke always enjoyed a good laugh.
    RIP Rob ❤️❤️❤️

  3. David Kelly

    Great bloke who always enjoyed a good laugh. RIP Rob ❤️❤️❤️

  4. John chilcott

    RIP mate,was a great bloke.will never forget you or the momeries.until i see you again.❤❤❤

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