Paul Guilfoyle

Paul Guilfoyle

Late of Rathmines formerly of Hamilton South

Passed away age 69 years

Pauls funeral service held at Reflections Glendale Drive Glendale Wednesday 22nd July 2009

Attended by Family and Friends

G’day Uncle Paul.


Well I guess you have caught up with Your Mum and Dad (Granny and Granddad).

I reckon Granny would still be using words like Bloomn and Granddad would be

Visiting the synagogue, (The RSL Club as He called it).

I guess you have also caught up with Your Brothers My Uncles that would be

Uncle Joe whom you never met, (Nor I for that matter)

Uncle Roy He’s probably got a Motorbike hidden up there somewhere,

Vernon (My Dad) He would be still playing Trains,

Uncle Johnny Not sure what He would be up to although He would have a Truck stashed somewhere I feel sure of that not to mention a Goon.

Then there is Your Sister (My Aunty) I didn’t know till your send off today 22nd July 2009 that You Even had a Sister.

What about Your Sister in law Noreen (My Mum), Well I reckon My Mum would still be complaining about Dad and His Trains but that doesn’t mater.(Trains are Cool)

And what about my sister Carmel (Whom I never meet) she doing OK? That’s good.


Then there’s Your Wife Robyn and your beautiful daughter (sorry mate I can’t remember her name) I reckon you would be at peace now mate.


What about Cousin Peter I would say He would be still playing pool and billiards (has He beat Granddad yet).


Anyway I hope you all are having a great time of it and you all keep looking out for

The rest of us left down here and God’s Beautiful Earth.


I am sorry I never got to know my family better and that we ended up not keeping in touch, rest assured I will be doing my utmost to rectify it with the ones that are

Left, someone has to make the effort life is to short not to.


If there is anybody I left out I am truly sorry.


I will go now as I have probably written too much already.


Love Always.

Joseph Guilfoyle




122 Elder Street Lambton  Ph 4956 4221

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