Late of Mayfield
Formerly of Belmont
Aged 54 Years

The Relatives and Friends of the BEETSON, RHODES, MANTON, RIDGEWAY and GREENTREE FAMILIES were invited to the Celebration of Life for their beloved “Buppo”  held at the Mayfield Uniting Church, Cnr. of Kerr and Highfield Street, Mayfield  TUESDAY (10.7.07) commencing at 10.00am.

“See Ya at the Gunya”

Paul Beetson Died 3 July 2007

12 mths Aniversary

A thousand times weve needed you

A thousand times weve cried

If love alone could have saved you

You never would have died

A heart of gold stopped beating

Two twinkling eyes closed to rest

God Broke our hearts to prove

he only took the best

Never a day will go by your not in our

hearts and souls

Love always Keisha, Kody, Tyler,

Tanayah, Kyron and Taylon

When we were babies you

would hold us in your arms

We felt your love and

tenderness keeping us safe from harm

We would look up into your eyes

 and all the love we`d see

How did we get so lucky that you

were the chosen dad for us

Theres somthing special in a fathers love

seems it was sent to us from some place up above

Our love is ever lasting we just want you to know

that your our special hero and we love to

tell you so

With a love that will never end in our hearts forever

Melissa & Mick, Peter & Nichole, Temeka & Kurt

I thought of you today and that was nothing new

I thought about you yesterday and the day before that to

I think of you in silence and often speak your name

Now all i have is memorys and a picture in a frame

Your memory is a keepsake that shall never part

Mat has you in his keeping

I have you in my heart

Always in my heart


Dearly Loved and Missed

By your Loving Family

Our lives go on without you but its not the same. We hide our heartache when someone speaks your name. You did so many things for us with your heart so kind and true and when I needed someone I could always count on you miss you.

Sister Gina


I Loving memory of my dad who passed away

3rd July 2007 Love forever and a day Sissy

There`s a special kind of feeling

When i think about you dad

It`s a pleasure to remember all

The happy times we`ve had

There`s a special kind of caring

That is meant for you alone

There`s a place somewhere

Within my heart

That only you an own

I love you and miss you forever

From your loving daughter

melissa Leigh Beetson

happy fathers day


we are missing you every day and wish you were here to


luv kyron and taylon.


My heart is breaking
Although you cant see
Shattered shards rip into me.
My pain is mine but not mine alone.
A suffering only death can own.

Did you fight or did you fall
Forever willingly towards heavens door
Did you run when they called your name
Or did you follow and feel no pain.

Minds forget and hearts will break
As eyes close shut and seal with fate.
I want you back to hear you voice
To argue, fight, live,rejoice

My world was shattered that fateful day
A crystal heart put on display
Memory`s beckon from the past
As you are missed that pain will last

We miss you more than you will know
Until we meet goodbye Buppo

Love your granddaughter Keisha


Paul Beetson 03.07.09
Passed 03.07.07

There is a gift in this life
That is rare and precious
That is the love that a father
And daughter share.

We shared that love
Dad you and I. From the
Day I was born till the
Day you died.

I wish with all my heart
That I could go up to the
Gunyah and pick you up and
Bring you home

Just once more
I wouldn`t complain
This time.

I Love you and
Miss you heaps

Your Loving

Temeka Jade

I am your Youngest son Kurt
The Son closest to you
No matter where I go
No matter what I do
No morning or night passes
Where I don`t think of you

I talk about you often
Especially with your friends
Curly and Tommy

A silent tear still falls
When we speak your name
What I wouldn`t give Dad
To hear that phone ring and
Hear you ask me to get Temeka
To pick you up
To hear the front door open
And see you standing there.

I Love and miss you heaps
I Love you Dad
Love Kurt

It`s Lonely here with out you Dad
Life is not the same
For as time goes by the emptiness
Grows and I miss you more then anyone knows

I would give the world If I could say to Michael
Go down home and pick Dad up he wants to go
To Swansea Heads for a dive

My Love, My Thanks till the end of time
To a Great Dad, I was so proud that I was your Daughter
And you were my Dad

Love and Missed
Melissa and Michael

Thank you Buppo for  the years
You gave to us

The Happy times we shared
Our tummy`s were never empty
The Love and all you did for us

The way you cared
If we could have a life time wish
A dream come true
We would pray to god for yesterday and you.

Miss you Heaps
Love Kody, Tyler, Tanayah, Kyron and Taylon
And the New Baby on the way you never had a chance to know.

Its been two years since the sad loss
Of your passing
I have two beautiful guardian angels
To watch over me

I hope you are looking after Matt.
It was his time to have you

The pain doesn`t go away
I still have your memories
I Love you both

My Husband and My son
One day we will meet again

Love you heaps

A thousand words i could have said
A thousand words i could have cried
A million more i would have wrote
If we never had to say good bye
Id give up any diamond
Id give up anything
Cause nothing held a price
To the joy in life you would bring

Love you forever
Your grand daughter Keisha

I miss the 2am phone calls thinking there was bad news

and telling you off each time you add phone.

You joking around and telling me, I am your  favorite Aunt

and that you love me.

I miss you my favorite nephew, I would

stay on the phone for hours just to listen to your voice

once again

Aunt Mook


20.11.952  –   3.7.2007

My heart is broken    for my brother so dear.

Our bond was so strong and love so clear.

Paul, you were the one who was always there.

I will see you again and the pain will go and than i will tell you how much i missed you and love you so.

   Your Loving Sis

 Juliann & Barney

& your brother  Kahuna


To my Dad
Celerbration come and go
My Birthday was so empty with out you at the Gunyah
Now it`s fathers Day and kurt and i will celerbrate that with out you, I know
your there with me in my life the only good thing is that my brother Matt
has you now.

It`s been 2 years since you left us they say only the good die young
and you were way to young to go I just wanted to tell you Dad that
I love you and miss you everytime I hear
I`m loving angel`s instead that`s when I think of you most

Love Always

To a great Dad

To me my Dad wasn`t

Just my father

He was my best friend

Dad it`s Father Day on Sunday

I will celerbrate it without you

I need to tell you that I Miss you heaps

God took you from me at a time when I needed you most

If only times were diffrent

I was up at the Gunyah

For Karokee and Greg

Sang if you could turn back time

If only I could Dad

There would be three main people

Curly, Tommy and myself would

Be that happy

I don`t think that

anyone would love that

more than me

Love you heaps

Kurty (Bronco)

On Father`s Day
It doesn`t take a special day
To bring you back to my mind.

For you are never far away
From our family you left behind
Please send me the courage
To accept that you are gone
And never coming back.

Our family misses you heaps
No one knew the relationship
And understanding we had.

Love you always and forever

To a Great Dad
Father`s Day 2009

Dad the pain is still here
Time does not make it fade
I still can`t stop the tears
It happens everyday

I know you are shaking your head
Wanting me to be strong for Mum
But I`m doing the best I can to keep
Carrying on with out you.

Your reassurance, Your voice
Always showed you cared
I hope to make you proud and look
Forward to holding your hand.

All my love your Daughter and Mate
Melissa and Michael

Fathers Day 2009
Gone are the Days
We had to share
But In our hearts
You are always there

2 Years have passed
Since you went away
Just to let you know
We miss you everyday

Loved and remembered

Oh yes we get a cousin in Oct
Yahoo..I`m sure mumma will be
Happy to have another one to add
To the merry bunch at home..

Love Kody, Tyler and Tanayah

Happy Fathers Day Bupoo
We will always remember that
You loved us

We miss you
Your Grandsons
Kyron and

Two years go by
And time seems to fade
Like the world has put on
A sad Masquerade

A smile a laugh seems nothing new
As my every trudge seems up a hill

Your voice is gone But hard to forget
Your eyes that twinkled  Now have set

The world seems to move
Although your not here We carry on with a fake merry cheer

Days that go by seems
So fast
And move away from you
And the past

Although I hold on time
Seems to slip and moved away from your waddling hip

Change has come and Change has gone
But the pain of your death
Still lingers on

Time will move on but we wont forget a time when your twinkling eyes
Never set…

Love always Keisha

P.S You can`t ban me from the house now but
I know one day you will again…. 😛


Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Old mate

The Crown`ies are getting

Cold as we speak

After that I am going up to

The Gunyah Hotel

And having a Schooner for you.

So Happy Birthday Dad

I miss you heaps

Love You


Its that time of year again

20th of November

Is your Birthday

I look out over

Swansea heads and wish you

Happy Birthday

You seem to reply to

Me by making the

Waves hit the rocks and

Splash me.

Tanayah puts a rose

In the water and you seem

To pull it under.

Dad I love you with all of my Heart

If you could see

Kody and Tyler

Diving just like you

They would have loved

To go with you.

But I know that

This cannot be

I bet you Auntie Bettie

Is dancing up a storm.

On your Birthday

So Happy Birthday

From  Melissa and Mick

Love you heaps Dad.

A Birthday Wish

Is a special kind

That  resides within the Heart.

It allows the Candle wind that

Blows into a secret part.

A silent Prayer I now do send

For your wish come true.

I hope you wish to be with us

For we wish to be with you..

Although this wish can never be

Its still a wish to hope that

One day however far

This silent prayer you`ll know.

In world beyond what I can see

A world beyond my eyes

In future places my mind cant go

Hidden before my eyes…

We`ll meet again one day one time

In a place beyond despair

A time when Birthday Wishes are

There for all to share…

Until this time until this place

A wish I`ll hold so dear…

Happy Birthday Buppo

Wishing you Birthday Cheer..

Love Your Granddaughter

Keisha (Bubba Louie)

Paul, so it is a few days after your birthday. Remembering the days at 156,and how you always made Tammy Feel special  when we came to visit.Davids Wedding when you said to me (We are still a Family). For sure your Mum and My Mum will be giving you what for. I remember the care you took of Mum when she came to visit.

So all the best Sheila xxx

Eyes of Blue
An endless Smile
There no matter what

A guiding wisdom
I couldn`t see
Beneath the true
Restless Sea

A Laugh, A Fight
I knew Nothing More
But your eyes
So Blue and whole

It breaks my heart
To know your gone
Somewhere I can`t Be
One Day I will meet you there
And I will finally see

My Bups Face
And the True
Restless sea

It breaks my heats to say this to you Bup

Goodbye Buppo…I will always love you…

I will miss you forever…

Good bye

I love you and miss you so much

But I have to let you go…you are never coming back and I have to face that

I need to move on and Let you go…

I love you so much

Bup I will always love you….and I wish you were here but your not

I would give anything to have you back but I can`t so I have to say goodbye…

I would love to see you walk through the door or even push your

tea way and make that stupid horse sound or see you walk around in your blue footy shorts

But that all in the past and It never going to come back no matter how much I wish it would

Bye Buppo RIP

Good bye to everything I thought I knew

I Love you Buppo

Good Bye Bup

I read a quote once. That sums us up perfectly it said…. It takes a minute to have a crush on hour to like someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone… “That`s us” but I don`t think I will ever forget !!! And I don`t think our youngest son will either


Just wishing I could hear your voice… Smell the sea salt after a long dive or hear you make that stupid horse sound it`s been 6 years and I still miss you… Just wish I had a photo of us… Wish I remembered your voice or your laugh it`s been so long I fear I`ve forgotten what it felt like to be in your presence… The world seem so much darker without you hear and I keep telling myself your around somewhere because I can`t imagine you laying beneath the ground in Karuah… Just missing you… I love you Bup…. I just wanted you to know I always loved you  xozox




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