Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors to this site should exercise caution when viewing these memorials as they may contain images of deceased persons
Helen Edwards Helen passed away on Friday 8 February 2008 at 15:49. Helen died from cancer in the bone marrow. I have know Helen since i married into the family some 27 years ago and consider her to be my second mum. She has always treated me as one of her daughters and part…
Ronald Claude Haendel Ron was aged 78 and died on 7 Feb 2008 in Perth, Western Australia Well Ron, you are finally at peace and in a better place. What a brilliant mind you had as a younger man, and even as Altzimers took away your precious memories, you have given us so many memories of…
Heath LEDGER 1979 – 2008 Passed away too young in New York January 2008 Heath Ledger was a gifted human being. Though I never met or crossed paths with him, I was always caught up in his performances as an actor. I would easily forget I was watching “Heath Ledger,” and simply…