• Helen Edwards

    Helen Edwards   Helen passed away on Friday 8 February 2008 at 15:49. Helen died from cancer in the bone marrow.   I  have know Helen since i married into the family some 27 years ago and consider her to be my second mum. She has always treated me as one of her daughters and part…

  • Ronald Claude Haendel

    Ronald Claude Haendel Ron was aged 78 and died on 7 Feb 2008 in Perth, Western Australia Well Ron, you are finally at peace and in a better place. What a brilliant mind you had as a younger man, and even as Altzimers took away your precious memories, you have given us so many memories of…

  • Heath LEDGER

    Heath LEDGER 1979 – 2008 Passed away too young in New York January 2008       Heath Ledger was a gifted human being.  Though I never met or crossed paths with him, I was always caught up in his performances as an actor.  I would easily forget I was watching “Heath Ledger,” and simply…