Neville Short

Neville Short

Late of New Lambton
Aged 29 Years

Much loved husband to KERI, proud dad to HAILEY, CJ and MITCH. Cherished son of NEVILLE and KAREN, KIM and JOHN. Protective big brother to DONNA, KYLIE, MEGAN and their loving FAMILIES. Loved cousin, uncle, grandson and mate.

Family and Friends were warmly invited to celebrate NEVILLE`s life at Reflections Chapel, 36A Glendale Drive, Glendale on FRIDAY 28th March, 2008 commencing at 10 a.m.

Morning tea  followed at Reflections Function Room.

“At Peace with Nan”



Its only been just over a week since you left us yet it  my hearts been in so much pain it feels as though its been ongoing for years.

Everytime I look at your photo I cry because in it you seem so happy yet underneath I know you where in so much pain that you couldn`t bear to keep on going.I only wish that you had reached out to someone we would have done anything to help you.I`ve never felt so much saddness and hurt ever before.  I think of all the fun times we use to have,

we would be paying each other out and I smile to myself because I`m just so glad that I will always have them to look back on.All the memories that I will now treasure for the rest of my life.

I have this horrible feeling of guilt inside me that being your sister I should have been there for you.But I wasn`t.I would have been there all you would of had to do was say and I would have done anything that I could to help you.I`m so sorry

I wasn`t there for you.Nothing will change that now but all I can do  is tell you how much I am missing you and how much it hurts now to even smile.Your always in my thoughts, not a minute goes by that I`m not thinking about you.

I love you so much and miss you beyond words,  nothing will ever be the same without you,youring loving sister,now tomorrow, forever .

I LOVE YOU DONNAxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo

Just wanted to give you a quick message to say Happy Wedding anniversary.I only

wish I could have said it to your face. I love you .  Donna.

Baby its our anniversary but its not a happy one i miss you and love you so much more than you could ever know. You always have and always will mean the world to me. I cry every day thinking about the good times we had and the very special times we shared knowing i will never get to share them with you again. The thought of never being in your arms again hurts unbearably. I wish more than anything you could have come to me with everything that was hurting you so deep inside so i could have helped you through it there is nothing i wouldn’t have helped you with if you told me what it was.  Baby i really do love you with all my heart and always will i miss you so much i wish i could look in to your big brown eyes and tell you all this.

I have to go now baby i cant see through the tears to type anymore.

All my love now and forever

Your Beautiful Girl Keri


Hi Neville,

Mothers Day has just past and it was the first one you`ve been gone.I have never seen mum so sad.It won`t ever be the same now your gone.

Nothing makes any sense anymore the only thing that I do know for certain is I miss you like crazy and a piece of my soul went with you.

I love you more than you would have ever know and I was so proud to call you my brother.Love now and forever your sister Donna.

My Dearest Boy,

My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow what it meant to lose you no-one will ever know.

Mothers Day just wasn`t the same without my son with me.How hard it is to lose a child no-one else could ever know,  the pain in my heart I feel everyday without you here  it will never fade.

My son you took a part of me with you, I love you more than you could ever have known and I would have done anything to help you.My precious boy I will count the days until we meet again.

Your Loving Mother Forever.

I love you always.


There isnt an hour goes by in the day that i dont think of you my son, my heart is broken now. Ill miss the way you walk, talk and laugh. The pain is so unbearable. I took your nans death very badly but nothing compares to this, nothing.

Always in my heart your Dad.



My Dearest Brother,

I miss you more than words can express, not a day,  minute or second goes by that i dont wish and pray that i could see your smiling face.

We all where together tonight for Mias 1st birthday and it was so sad that you weren`t there with us celebrating.She had a little party and a princess doll cake that she took to with her hands there was no waiting for it to be cut for her, she just jumped straight in with her fingers it was so cute.We wish you were there so bad, it just wasn`t the same without you.A family gathering just won`t ever be a family gathering ever again cause your not there.

I`ve always thought I was a pretty tough cookie but every time i think of you and how much i miss you it just rips me apart.We all miss you so much the boys still talk about you like you are still here i think its just there way of dealing with it and Shai, everytime we go out at night she points to the sky and says thats where Neville is isnt it Mummy with Grandma, it just breaks my heart.I wish I could laugh with you one more time i wish i could have a drink with you one more time I wish you could be my brother just one more time, I miss you so much it hurts, I love you Neville more then you could have ever imagined my big brother, FOREVER YOUR LOVING SISTER DONNA.


Today you would have turned 30 my boy.

I remember this day in 1978 when I felt like the luckiest person in the world when you became a part of my life.I haved loved you with every inch of my soul since that day and will forever more.Today I wont be celebrating in happy thoughts of your birthday but I will reflect on the wonderful memories I have of you and on the wonderful young man you became.

My heart breaks without you here with me but I still feel lucky for you to have been my son and for me to have been able to share your life.

It devastates me for the path you took as because of it that is why it ended the way it did, but still we must  be thankful in some way as because of it you have a beautiful daughter who will carry on your memory for the rest of her life, as she is the spitting image of you and even as cheeky as you.

I love you my precious boy always have and always will,till we met again my man, your  ever loving mother now and forever.

Happy Birthday my son I love you, Mum.


Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to Neville

Happy Birthday to you

Hippip Hooray

Hippip Hooray

Hippip Hooray

Love ya big bro,forever Donna.

Wish you where here to have a drink with but your not ,so I will have  to have one for you ,forever in our hearts ,always in our dreams,til I see your smiling face always and ever, today ,tomorow and yesterday our love ,Donna,Shane,Lachlan,Tysenand Crazy Shazzyxxxxxooooo

Imiss you so much it breaks my heart.

My Dearest Brother,


Today would have been your 30th birthday, a day that should be celebrated is now tainted with heartache and grief.

But instead of celebrating your birthday we will celebrate the memories of the good times we shared with you the times we laughed with you and mainly just the time we had with you.

On Saturday we had a gathering to celebrate for you your 30th.It was a great night but it just wasn`t the same without you.

Time stands still without you, it really has no meaning now your not here.I miss you soooo much that it tears me up inside.

I hate not seeing your face i hate not hearing your voice i hate not seeing you laugh and most of all i hate you not being my brother anymore.

If only you walked through the door one more time the things i would tell you that i never told you, I would tell you how great you are, I would tell you how much you mean to me, I would tell you how much i love you, I would tell you what a great brother you are theres so much I would tell you but most of all on this special day that is yours forever i would say to your face just one more time HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dearest brother have a great day cause you truly deserve it, I love you and miss you more than words can say.

Always and ever in my heart, Donna XXXxxxOOOooo.

Hey Nev,

Today was your little princesses birthday, she was 2.Shes so gorgeous ,she is every inch of her body and soul you from inside out ,theres definately no denying that ,I wish you where there to celerbrate it with us.

She had a great time she was so exhausted by the end of the day from so much running around.

Last year when she turned 1 you wanted to share her birthday with her but  you where denied  seeing your only child on her 1st birthday and now this year you again couldn`t share it with her.There is only one person that has made this so and we all deep down no who it is, so all I can hope is that you where with your baby girl today in spirit to share her day, and no-one can stop that can they!

We will never forget that you where  never able to share her birthday with her, and we will never forgive the person that made that happen to  you both last year and this year and every year from here on.

You deserved so much more than what was dealt to you, you deserved only the best my brother.

Your at peace from all that crap now and you can do and be what you want to be.But to me you where my hero my big brother my inspiration and my friend. I love and miss you always forever your loving sister DonnaXXOO(2 hugs and 2 kisses from you to Hailey for her birthday)

Hey Nev,

Its a crazy time of year with Christmas just around the corner.It will be our first Christmas that you arent here but I know you will still be with us in spirit.I dont know if its just the time of year or what but they say time heals the heartache, well why do I feel like I only lost you yesterday,I miss you so much,and time wont ever heal the pain, while your not here it will never get any easier.

I wish you would just walk through the door with that cheeky grin on your face.

I know that wont happen but I can still dream,I dream that it is like it use to be and your still here beside me.

Well Nev I love you, I miss you like crazy and it wont ever get any easier cause your not here.

Merry Christams I wish I could have said it to your face just one more time,I know you will be still here with us so I will make sure I save you a beer and a kilo of prawns,

Love forever Donna 



It’s been a year today that you left. A whole year since we seen your smiling face, since we heard your voice and since you laughed with us. Nothing could ever replace the memories we have shared with you and we won’t ever forget them. I miss you terribly, I still cry everyday for you and I still think of you every hour of every day, you could never be forgotten you where to special to ever forget. We know why you left us and why you couldn’t take it anymore, , you deserved so much more than was dealt to you ,you where so much better than that. You tried so hard but it was just not good enough for some, but it would of been everything to us.

We miss you more than I could ever express my heart is still broken, it won’t ever heal cause you’re not here , I would of done anything for you, I would of moved heaven and earth just to help you all you had to do was ask, I’m sorry  we didn’t get more time I would of told you I was so proud to call you my brother I love you and miss you so much it hurts , love always and ever Donna xxoo



Another birthday has now passed that your not with us, its a day that we now reflect on  all the birthdays before that you where here with us, the ones we got to celerbrate with you and we seen your smiling, happy face. It is those days that are now so precious to us cause we know it will never be again. Today I remembered what you as my brother meant to me and how you have affected me and my life, I thank god for giving you to me even if it was only for a little while it was still worth every second of it, I love you Nev and again Happy Birthday, I miss you more than anything and always will. Nothing can ever compare to you, you where one in a million and no one can take that away from you, I was proud to have a brother like you. Til we meet again I will treasure your memories. Love Donna Shane Lachy Tys and Shazzy.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooo


To Neville,

Mummy loves you and she misses you and so do i.

I wish you could see me so i could come and play with you

And nan loves you to and kylie loves you to and so does pop.

Mummy went to your funeral and she cried lots and lots that day,

And she loves you and me to,

Love from Shai-lea xxxooo

Another year gone by without you here feels like an eternity. If only we had you here we could all feel complete again. Not a day goes by that i dont think of you and we can only dream to see your face again,smiling so brightly you would make any room feel warm again. You are missed and the memories we cherish not just today but every day without you. You could never be forgotten, not now or not ever. Every day i remember my brother and how he made me laugh or smile. I miss you so much and just wish we had you again.

Love always and ever Donna xxxooo


Where did l go wrong, l lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And l would have stayed up with you all night Had l known how to save a life

The Fray – How To Save A Life

Never forgotten.

Always Stacey x


Thinking of you always cuz xxx Deb.


May your spirit soar in freedom
From the fears that gripped so tight.
May you find the peace your searched for
As you wandered, lost, in the night.

May your tortured mind be clear and calm
And your tender heart be warm.
May you have no need for strength now.
May there never be another storm.

May the music of the angels
Be the sweet sounds that you hear.
As you`re rocked in Heaven`s cradle
May you never shed another tear.

I`ll wear your memory proudly,
My only brother…my true friend.
May my love for you reach Heaven above
Until we meet again.



Once again u have me in tears even after all these yrs u still have the power to make me cry still can`t listen to linkin park shadow of the day without shedding a tear  :`( u will always hold a piece of my heart , Bel xx


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