Liam Joel Mansfield

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20 responses to “Liam Joel Mansfield”

  1. Mikayla Nichols

    R.i.p my friend we will always remember you for the gentle giant and the loving soul you are

  2. Sue-Ellen Sloan

    We love you our son you are free from any pain that bound you. Thank you for giving me three beautiful grandchildren that I know you will protect, they have a Giant Angel to protect them. You were the best son , I know how much you loved us, Just as much as we loved you.Time’s will be so different now without you here, not goodbye it’s until we meet again.
    Dad & Mummasue. 🤍😇🤍

  3. Emma Sutherland

    still doesn’t feel real you’re gone. 🥺
    you were the most kindest soul ever, you were always so nice too me and you had the biggest heart! you were one of a kind. ❤️
    rip you beautiful man, you will be missed 🕊✨

  4. Shayna Jones

    We will forever miss you Liam. A brother from another mother. We had the best time when we where all young in the street. We are devastated mate. You will forever be a big part of our childhood and for that you will forever be in our hearts. Love you always bro.
    I’ll be looking forward to see your face again in good time my friend.
    Love always Azza, Ryan, Shayna, Eli ❤️

  5. Lauren Witney

    After all this time I still can’t believe I’m having to do this. I still don’t feel ready to write this but I don’t think I ever will…

    Li, the past two months have been heart wrenching, every ‘what if’ or ‘if only’ has ran through my head and there’s no end in sight. I just want to say sorry, I’m so unbelievably sorry I couldn’t of saved you. I promise you I tried. I’m sorry your life was cut so short and I’m sorry you didn’t get to achieve all you wanted too.
    I promise you to take care of our babies, I promise they will always know how much you loved them and I promise to make you proud.
    All I hope is that you’re at peace, pain free and watching over us, such a wonderful man gone too soon… never, ever a goodbye, just a see you later.
    With all my love, your girl. xo

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