Liam Joel Mansfield

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20 responses to “Liam Joel Mansfield”

  1. Emma Gleeson

    Thinking of you all x

  2. Blake Gresham

    Rest in peace brother. It was a pleasure growing up around you when I was young, my heart goes out to your family

  3. Declan and Elly

    Rest In Peace, Liam

    Missing you everyday and the times we got to hangout.

    You’re a legend that will never be forgotten!

    Till we meet again ❤️

    Love Declan and Elly

  4. Goodbye my cuz fly high forever young xoxo 😘 love you r.i.p

  5. Liam. Gone too early but never forgotten.. spent a lot of time talking but unfortunately never had the chance to meet you but I’ll be hopeful I still get that chance when I move on from this one.

    Going to miss the laughs big fella.. rest easy.


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