Liam Joel Mansfield

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20 responses to “Liam Joel Mansfield”

  1. Beau Edwards

    Missing you, Liam.
    You are the first friend i have lost, and this hurts so much.

    It’s been a long time since we were just two good-for-nothings in high school.

    And though we drifted apart with life, i hope we will see eachother again some day.

    My fondest memory that i still recall for people is the time we went Trolley surfing down a street near my house, we both crashed but we laughed so hard.

    Hold the door for me, big guy; though i may be a while.

  2. Missing you so much Lamby we had a mother and son in law relationship like no other we got on so well
    I’m so sad that you had to leave so soon we will all meet again someday but until then I hope you have happiness wherever you may be 💔❤️‍🩹❤️

  3. Sharleen Bourke

    🌹 taken to soon but may your memory live on in the beautiful babies and the hearts of your family. 🌹Rest In Peace 🙏

  4. Taylor Milles

    RIP Liam you’ll be missed by many
    You were such a caring gentle giant 🤍

  5. You were taken so early on in life, I wish you got to stay longer but God called your name. How’s nan and aunty Leane?

    I remember when you came up to Queensland when we were living in basins pocket, and I had a school excursion so you came with me and we walked along the train lines all the way up to the Railway museum. I was on your shoulders most of the way.

    Your in a better place now. R.I.P big brother. Miss you heaps xx ♥️

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