Leigh Elizabeth NEINERT

Leigh Elizabeth NEINERT
May 18 2007
Tragically as the result of a car accident.

Aged 24 Years

Adored daughter of KERRY and the Late RON NEINERT, loving sister of KATY and her boyfriend SHANE, cherished grandaughter of ROMA SELLER, lifelong friend of LAUREN, special friend of PETE and `The Girls`, a loved niece and cousin of the BROWN, CONLAN and NEINERT FAMILIES

Will be loved and missed and remembered by all who knew her.

Relatives and Friends were invited to LEIGH`s Funeral Service at the Bel-air Baptist Church Madison Drive and Rosemont Street Adamstown Heights, on WEDNESDAY May 23 2007 .

Dear Leigh,

I think about you every minute of every day – the girls are constantly in touch and Bethy is talking about you heaps – you are her star in heaven.  We miss you and are trying to do things in true “LEIGH” style.  We miss you terribly.



To my beautiful gorgeous cousin-in-law, but most importantly friend.Leigh, you were like the little sister I never had. You always brought a smile to my face just looking at your adorable face.I think of you everyday and little Bethy often cuddles your photo as she cries herself to sleep at night. She will never forget you – her gorgeous princess.I miss so much about you and I constantly find myself – well, make myself anyway remember the happy things……….. Remember the day we were walking along the lake and Leonie commented on your beautiful little nose and you squished it so flat to your face it almost disappeared – I would love to do that with my nose. We nearly fell off the path laughing.  I miss the texts that begin “Hey Gorgeous” no-one else sends me a delightful greeting like that. I miss reliving my youth through you and discussing “the” love life!  Melbourne Cup day was so sad for me, I so wanted us to be out having a champagne and a dance together like we had planned. Oh, and the holidays – whatever am I going to wear on our next trip to the Gold Coast? My wardrobe consultant/supplier has gone. Oh, and Westfield, I can never quite shop there without picturing you there. I fought the mad crushes on it`s first opening days and just know you would have been there with me enjoying all the excitement.I bought Katy some or our frighteningly expensive breath mints for Christmas, I`ll never forget the day she said to me “Leigh paid $3.95 for this little packet of mints – can you believe it?” and out I pulled a matching packet!!  Gosh, we love extravagance don`t we???Miss you and think of you every single day, love always Suey xxxxx25/1/2008

My dearest Leigh….. someone so special. I miss you everyday.

I try to make you proud by being more girly. All the years you bought me lips gloss, cardi’s, undies, did my make up, straightened my hair – it wasn’ t wasted!! These things made me feel special and beautiful. Even though I whinged, I really enjoyed the attention. Everytime I go somewhere I imagine what you would think! I try not to do as many daggy things. I remember making constant deals with you…. You’d let me help you clean your room up if I would let you do my make up – how crazy!

You lived for the minute – which drove me crazy because I am a planner. You always asked for help with bills or assignments or resumes because you had run out of time. I’d be grumpy, but you always knew I’d help. You’re spontaneity was special and carefree spirit was so special. I try not to worry so much about things (but its not really working)…. I will keep you posted on how this goes!!!

Thinking of you always with love, Katy XOXOXOX


My Beautiful Leigh,
I miss you so so much, words can’t describe the pain of being apart from my best friend. We should both be turning 25 together this year, it breaks my heart that we won’t be doing it together. I can’t remember a birthday without you.
I think about you every day, constantly. I miss your phone calls at work, your beautiful smile, your glamorous hair, your giggle, your text messages, dinners at the kent, getting ready for our girls nights out and most of all, I  miss the comfort and the security of having my bestfriend close by, always handy to talk to.
 Us girls talk about you all the time, we miss you so much, you are such a great and fun friend to us all.
I love you so much, you are like a sister to me. I cannot wait to see you again someday. Miss you terribly,
Love, your Loz xxxx


Today is Valentines Day and it is the first time in many years that I did not recieve a card full of sparkling red hearts that fell out as I opened a card signed from”your favourite daughter”- thus the red writing today. I smile when I remember this and I thank you for this wonderful memory. One of many.  In your memory your collegues from the RTA are organising for your birthday a fund raiser called “Leigh`s frockup” to raise funds for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. We are all heading out to buy new dresses and will celebrate in true Leigh style. I hope you will be proud of us and approve of our “fashion statement” which we have had to choose without your guidance. Life is very different now without you- you are deeply missed and have left an amazing legacy – a network of friends that have offered amazing support for each other and for me.With all my love,Mum

Leigh,my gorgeous girl, words cannot describe the pain I feel everyday without you. So many things remind me of you and the fun times we had. We grew up together, so many memories I don`t even know where to begin! I remember when you broke your arm in year 5 and your nan was looking after you, I caught the 711 bus from school to your place just so we could hang out as I missed not having you at school, I remember brownies and all the mischief we got upto, Broken Bay camp, our first loves, hanging out at Anna Bay, it breaks my heart even typing this. You were a best friend to me and i will never forget you. I just wish that we could have gone shopping that Saturday, you were always so honest when giving me fashion advice. I loved all your little tricket jewellery, your nailpolish, your shoes, i loved sharing clothes with you, drinking champagne and kareoke.  You were always going to be my bridesmaid (as long as I don`t look like a pink marshmallow you said hehe ) You always joked about hating my glitter and spray tans and i always joked about your love of ironing. There are so many things I have had to do and will have to do without you  in the future and it`s been hard but I know you are still here in spirit. I know we will meet again one day, until then, know you are missed very much, will NEVER be forgotton and you are always on my mind.Love ya babe xxxx always :o)

Darling Leigh,
just wanted to say, soccer season has started and im missing our weekly tuesday night dinners at the kent….stuffing ourselves silly on snitzels and then cake, along with some sort alcoholic beverage.
always thinking about you, wishing i could touch your face.
xx oo xx

Leigh, I have the best memories of us in Europe.  I cannot imagine that trip without you.  Sharing life stories on the bus, laughing so hard over our washing (you know what I`m talking about ;-)), you taking care of me when I had a bit too much to drink, me taking care of you when you had a bit too much to drink!  Thank you for being my companion for 3 1/2 weeks.  It sounds so short, but I felt a true kinship with you.  You were going to come over to NZ for my 21st party – what a friend!  Travelling all that way for my birthday.  Whenever I hear Elton John and George Michael singing (or Prince, for that matter), I think of you.  I think of how we spent over 2 hours in a Mac store in Florence!!!!  Not seeing the sights – shopping for make-up!!!  I have you with me all the time.  In my wallet – the tiny booth photos we insisted on getting in almost every country – and in my heart.  I think about you all the time and I pray to God about you too.  I know one day we`ll meet again and sing karaoke “Don`t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” together. 

Love you Leigh, and miss you.

Charmaine xoxo


To my darling gorgeous Leigh,Tomorrow is your birthday – it doesn`t feel that long ago since we sat in Euro discussing your plans for your 24th, no high heels and no dress meant no show!!! How I wish I had of been well enough to go out with you that night. I still remember running into you and Katy and you had just talked Katy into buying you a new dress for the night – I think you may have been a bit short on funds – boy do we love credit card debt!!Your mum and Katy have just left after a beautiful dinner with us, Katy even had some bling on. As she said, she is trying to be more Leigh like and you know what? – She is!! No-one can ever be as fabulous as you but we keep on trying…….The RTA frock up was a huge success on Saturday night in your honour and lots of money was raised for your love – the Westpac Helicopter. Everyone looked wonderful and it was a very bittersweet night as we laughed, reminisced and cried over missing our beautiful friend. It blows me away how much all your friends knew about me and my Brady and Bethy, it shows how much you used to talk about us all.We will never forget you and I think about you every single day, sometimes with a small giggle to myself, other times with a tear in my eye and an ache in my heart and sometimes I still just wait for that text message that begins “Hey Gorgeous”I love love love you gorgeous girl and miss miss miss you, love Suey xxxxxP.S. Bethy`s room is so messy we can`t actually see the carpet – impressive hey???


Today is your 25th birthday, and although you are gone, you are still here in spirit. Wherever you are sweetie I know you will be celebrating in true Leigh style. I miss you so much babe, wish we could have another night like your birthday last year! Saturday night was great, it was so `Leigh` from the frangipanis to the pink and silver balloons, you would have loved it! anyways babe, Love you always, Peta xxx 


Leigh`s Favourites compiled by Kerry, Katy,Lauren, Bec, Mary, Suanne, Bethany, Brooke , Jane and Leanne on 15/4/08 for your 25th birthday with love…. food – chicken au gratin, butter chicken, satay sauce, lasagne restaurant – Lans pub – Kent, Northern Star drink – bourbon and coke, iced coffee music – Shannon Noll, Dixie Chicks, Cher, MUSE colour – green, pink, purple, red outfit – her green  skirt or “something from someone else”. accessory – chi chi lip gloss, bling. make up – revlon, Berry pink lip gloss freetime activity – sleeping (nana naps), cupcake making outing – coffee and cake holiday destination – Amsterdam, New Zealand, the cruise animal – Chloe (her dog), meerkats flower – frangipani loves – shopping, gossiping, socialising, Bethy and Brady dislikes – vegetables, bad hair colours, hot days, being cold saying – “let`s look fabulous”

Happy Birthday Miss Neinert, thinking of you while looking at photos and drinking red wine.

Much Love, Josh and Crystalle

Well the innaugural Leigh`s Fundraising Frock Up was a huge success – we all “looked fabulous” – and yes that is Sarah in a formal dress!!Your infinite love of helicopters, especially the Westpac, allowed us to mix a fundraiser for them with a night to remember you. We managed to raise just under $7000 for the Westpac which I know you would have been proud of.Your mum, Katy and Shane were a great help as was Lauren and Penny – we couldn`t have pulled it together on the day without them. I have really enjoyed spending time with your mum and she has been so welcoming and warm – she really is an amazing woman. Kel and I have been in regular contact and have been learning more and more about your life and loves.Every day is another without you.Your smiling face and beautiful nature will never be forgotten. The Call Centre just isn`t the same without you.Almost a year has past and I don`t think it has set in that you are truly gone – not just on rec leave. I keep waiting for you to come tottering in the door with your morning coffee (or your Peanut Butter flavoured ice cream for Saturday morning “breakfast”) !!I feel honoured to have known you. I will miss you always and remember you as my little poochie (yeah I know you hate that!!)Luv Amanda XXXXXXXXX09/05/2008

Dearest Leigh,

It’s impossible to believe that 12 months ago we had just had one of the most perfect weekends.  We had just been on an amazing helicopter ride – our present to you for your 24th birthday.  It almost had to be postponed again (the fist time due to bad weather) – I had no voice and you were pretty sick with a cold and a bad ear infection.  Thank god we went.  It was amazing…. I clung to your hand the whole time.  You were having a ball!!  I have the photos framed on the wall.  I’m so thankful for those memories!

Then on Sunday we celebrated mother’s day with family and friends and your beautiful cup cakes… mum still has two in the freezer.  I made cup cakes this mother’s day but they were not the same.  I can’t believe you are not here to share days like that with us.  I wrote your name on mum’s card – I didn’t know what else to do – you would have wanted me to. 

Leanne got engaged last week… we were all very happy for her and Mick but you should be here.  Then a week later, Jess got engaged… again… you should be here for these special moments.  I can’t believe you are not and selfishly I can’t think how I am going to celebrate without you when my time comes.  Lauren and I were only talking last night about how much harder (if that is possible) it is going to be as we do things in life that we always imagined you would be by our side for.  It’s not right and it’s not fair on you to miss out.  I miss you.  I wish we had cherished every moment at the time.  I am sorry I was a crap big sister.  I was always bossing you around when we should have been having fun together – I regret that more than you could ever know.      

Lots of love always and forever XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO


my best friend Leigh,

I`ve been sitting here for a little bit wondering how to start this.

i cannot believe that one whole year ago, mine, and many others worlds were turned upside down. So many things have happened since this time.I have had many days with a nervous tummy and feeling anxious, just because you aren`t here. I want you to know that i made it through my 25th birthday. it wasn`t as bad as we thought it would be Leigh, but it was strange not having you by my side celebrating, and I can`t fathom sometimes that I am 25 without my best friend. Without you. Who am i going to whinge about turning 26 too? I miss whinging together!=)

I never imagined living without you. you have always been there for me, and i hope i was there for you when you needed me. I still think about you every day, it feels like practically every minute of every day. I miss your voice so much. I miss your cheerful, cheeky, witty and fun nature. and I miss giving you hugs. So many memories have been coming back to me that i had forgotten, especially ones from when we were children and teenagers. I am truely honoured you chose to let me be a part of your life Leigh, and what a fun time we had together. I just wish it could have gone on forever.

Us girls have been sticking together. we talk about you often. and about how much we miss you.

I WILL see you again someday, I can`t wait Leigh.. I know you had your faith, and I know that God has you in his arms. This verse is always a comfort to me.

Romans 8:38-39

`And I am convinced that nothing can ever seperate us from His love. Death can`t, and life can`t. The angels can`t, and the demons can`t. Our fears today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can`t keep God`s love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to seperate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.`

Love you always and forever Leigh with all my heart.

Bozzi xxxxxxxxxxxx

We can`t beleive its been a year since you have gone. Its still a shock to us all. I remember when I was in kindergarten and you would come to see your mum after school. Your smile was contagious as you would walk into the room and it made me smile too, it brightened up the room even when it was a miserable day. Sarah always says and reminds us of Leighs great personality and how she always had time for people. We`ll always remember and think of you.Love Always Deirdre and Sarah  xoxo

A year ago today you were tragically taken from all who knew and loved you. It seems like a lifetime ago but also like yesterday as the pain is still so vivid. I don`t think it will ever sink in that I will never see your smile again or hear your bubbly voice.Kel and I visited you and your dad today, and yes, you look fabulous. We then spent a few hours with team 12 having lunch at The Kent. From all reports the snitzel is as a good as ever………I am honoured to have known you Leigh and am so proud of the way in which you touched so many people in your short stay with us. Life will never be the same without you but we all try to keep up the Leighisms to make things more bearable.Miss you, Amanda XXX18/05/2008

my beautiful best friend.
missing you more than ever.
thinking things are getting harder.
feels like a lifetime since i heard your voice.
the hole in my heart is getting bigger.
love you so much Leigh.


 I`m sorry. I miss you more than you could know. I visit you often, just to say sorry           basically everytime I visit you. I just wish I told you how much I valued our friendship. I will never ever ever forget the times of the Tim, Josh, you and I memories. I`m still jealous of that purple bag of yours. And to this day still can`t straighten my hair as well as you perfected yours. I pray you are safe and at peace where ever you are. i will never forget And hope you know just how much i love and still care about you………. be at Peace…. Meaghan XoXo


My dearest little sister, I know you are my only little sister, only sister in fact, but I couldn`t have wished for anyone different.  I miss you tremendously and think of you everyday.  I even called your mobile the other day before I realised what I was doing.  I would give the world to talk to you.  I am keeping an eye on some of your wonderful friends and cherish the time I get to spend with them, keeping my memories of you and your crazy ways strong.  Mum, Shane and I went to Cairns back in July for a short break.  Without much thought I bought Chloe a hand made pink colar with flowers on it – something that I probably would not have done before.  Will write again soon with another update.  Take care, love Katy XOXOXXXXX

Hi Leigh,
I think about you often these days, about little bits and pieces….about the short quips I`d get from you here and there, some in my favour, some not 🙂  And then at other times, just remembering your version of the adventures you`ve been on – from cruises, europe and NZ to getting home from town…your way of unfolding a story was always animated….!  Thinking back, I seem to remember there being plenty of stories too, you definitely had some good times.  So, even though there is so much to be sad about, I get a little smirk when I think of you. 
p.s.  If I believed in guardian angels, I`d hope your ours…just let me know when you`re out `n` about, and I`ll be extra careful!:)


Hi Leigh

Missing you sooooo much right now, Andy and I are planning our engagement party which is so exciting but I just wish you were here so we could go shopping for our dresses together and do all the decorating etc. Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of you, I really really miss you, ALL OF YOU! Every single little thing, everyone misses you.. I just wish that things were different :o( I wish you were here to be my bridesmaid because I know that you would be such a support to me. I believe in my heart that you aren’t far away, I just wish I could call you, I have so much to tell you and you are one of the very few special people who understands me. Anyways babe, just needed to let that out, they say that time heals but it doesn’t.. Miss and Love you heaps Forever

 xx Peta-Jayne xx  P.s: If only wishes could come true..


Such a difficult time of year anyway and then on top of everything else trying to prepare for my very special wedding day without you, such an impossible task.  My decision making and sense of fashion was never great at the best of times, always trying to please everyone else.  Who would have ever imagined I would have been in this position…. Not only walking down the isle without dad, but without you by my side as well was never something I thought I would have to face!  I miss your blunt, very honest input regarding shoes, clothes, hair, everything in fact.  At least even if I didn’t want to hear it, I always knew where I stood with you.  I wish more than anything that you could be back here with me.  And then there has been Christmas.  Well, what can I say, Christmas is a time to spend with family and the ones you love.  I’ve lost most of mine and at the moment I hate being here without youL  Please help and watch over me.  With much love, Katy  XOXOXOXOXO  I am always thinking of you and missing youL


Another birthday – your 26th – and my heart is heavier than normal as I write this. It is true – life goes on – but it is not the same – how can it be?

 We began the day with the ritual you established and visited Ryhope and glitzed up the place in true Leigh style with a huge bumble bee, beautiful dahlias in your favourite colour and lots of sprinkles. A place fit for a princess.

During the day messages poured in from your friends and work mates – all offering support and reminiscing. All using descriptors so fitting for you – beautiful, much loved, never forgotten, princess. For the second year, the 15th April has become a special day when those that loved you dearly use the day to meet and catch up with us on the happenings of the year with lots of talking, laughs and memories too. This year a bottle of Moet was included as no “better” occasion could be found.

It has been a full year amongst your friends – lots of engagements, then weddings. Many happy times were had by the girls and they were all there to help Katy have a great day on her wedding day.

Your workmates are organising for the second year a Leigh’s Fundraising Event – this year – a trivia night in your memory. This has proven to be again, an incredible honour for me to be involved with the organisation of this event, and a humbling experience, when I realise just how many people are involved just because of you.  This is a remarkable legacy and wonderful tribute to you. All of the proceeds from the night go directly to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter – a service dear to your heart which also by chance played a big role in our lives at the time of, and after your accident.

Some parents that I have met since then, that have also lost adult children, talk about “signs and messages”. I have begun to realise that helicopters (and certain music) appear at very important or appropriate times. We all know a Westpac Rescue helicopter flew overhead – not once but twice during the church service we had for you – was that a sign? As Katy and Shane were exchanging their vows one flew directly overhead and as we dined by the harbour for lunch on the 15th another flew overhead. Just a few incidences but many others comment on similar experiences. Whatever it may be – a sign or not – I do know that, for that brief moment I can look up into the sky, watch the helicopter fly past and smile and for that I am thankful.



Missing my bestest friend more than ever, i love you.

Its been two years now since u have been gone.  We always think while where out and about we will run into you somewhere with your big smile. You are always in our thoughts as a big shining star and we will know another bright day will begin to start. You are forever in our hearts and we will always remember you.


my fabulous and gorgeous bestie
missing you SO much at the moment. This little bubby is getting bigger every day and as every day goes by I wish you were here to share in it (and see me get fat–i know you`d love it!!). But it will always know about its Aunty Leigh,and i can`t wait to tell it our stories. I hope this child finds a unique and close freindship with someone, like we were able to have together. I miss you so much, no one will ever replace you in my life, and they couldn`t.
Love you my beautiful, funny, quirky, reliable, mischievious and lifelong friend Wee xoxoxoxxoxooxoxxooxoxoxoxoxoxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxooxxox


Dear Leigh

Today on your birthday we are remembering what a gorgeous girl you were.  We often talk about you and the funny things you did as a little girl.  We wish you were still here.


Leanne & Erin


Dearest Aunty Leigh,

I think of you a lot as I hear lots of stories that mummy and nanny and Lauren tell me about you.  I know you would have spoilt me rotten and we would have had so much fun together as you lived without limits.  I know you loved helicopters too and I have a very special helicopter moneybox.  I have big bright eyes like yours (but maybe mine will change colour one day…).  I hope everyone keeps telling me stories about you.  I have attached a recent photo of me for you and also one from my first day out in the big world with mummy and daddy and Lauren, Luke and Levi.  I hope you like them.

Love Mitchell XXXXXXX


My gorgeous Leigh
tomorrow is your birthday and still, my heart is heavy. I miss you SO much, every day! It`s so hard around this time (i seem to get anxious a lot) to not think of what could have been, how we would have spent your birthday, what shenanigans we would have gotten up to. I`m sure if we did have the opportunity to grown old and wrinkly together,  our maturity would have not have grown any 🙂
There`s not really any words to sum up how much i miss you. But, we just try our best to think of all the good times, and  try to live life with some of your quirkyness and your love for life. Tomorrow night all us girls are going to your mums & katys  (and will have a champa no doubt, like you would want) to spend some time catching up, like we would have done anyway if you were here.
I`ve attatched some photo`s  from some of the last times we spent together, photo`s which i will always cherish and which i look at regularly just to feel a bit closer.
You are ALWAYS in my thoughts. i find myself at the shops wanting to buy you things i know you`d like. i find myself in places that bring back random memories. Katy and your mum will pull faces/expressions which are exactely like you! i`ve even had a bike ride through our old streets and down the biketrack,and the smells of the bush bought back sooo many fond memories.
time does not heal or erase, but makes me want to see you more. We have a lot of talking to do.
I love you so much Leigh,
Bozzi xxxx



I still think of you often, and our photobooth pic is still on my desk at work. Our lives may have only met briefly in Europe, but you will forever be in my heart & memories.

Charmaine (it`s Hey now, not Smith!)


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