Joseph James Armour

Joseph James Armour

Late of Teralba

Born: 16th October 1925

Died: 17th June 2008

 Aged 82 years.

Beloved son of George and Ruby.

Passed away peacefully at Toronto Private Hospital.

Survived by his wife Eileen,

Daughter and Son-in-law, Narelle and Peter McAllister,

Grandchildren Liam, Coby and Tiffany.

Service held at Lake Macquarie Memorial Park 23/6/08 at 3pm.


In The Care Of

Dailey Family Funerals

Words,however kind,can`t mend your heartache:

but those who care and share your loss wish you comfort and peace of mind .May you find strength in the love of family and in the warm embrace of friends …

         Sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship….IRENE

Dear `Joey`,

I love you more than words could ever say and I am so proud to be your granddaughter. Thank you for all the love, devotion and memories you have given me since the day I was born. Thank you for being the world`s greatest grandfather and friend. We all miss you so so much, but I know you will always be with us and you will be waiting up there when it is time for us to see you again.

I love you and I will never be the same without you.

All my love,


Dear Joe,

It’s hard to believe that you’re really gone and to know that we will no longer see your smiling face, or hear the sound of your laughter. You left so many memories, which will always live inside our hearts.

Coby, Tiffany and I are so thankful to have had someone as special as you as our Grandfather. Although it’s hard to believe your life on earth is really through, we will never forget how you have been by our side all our lives. You and Nan never missed being there for any special part of our lives when you could. Setting up Christmas presents all through the night and without fail you would shower us with gifts each time you and Nan would come to see us. Nan would go mad if you didn’t give us enough pocket money, but you always did. You and Nan both made us laugh, and as I child I remember feeling safe if you and Nan were by my side.

You would of given us the world if you could. Our lives without you would of never been complete. The love that you and Nan gave us was the most important, significant, amazing, heartfelt devotion – never seeing any bad in us, always good. Coby, Tiffany and I hope that you know how much we love you Joe, you made our world a nicer and greater place. We will miss you so much.

We love you Joe,

From Coby, Liam and Tiffany.

Dear Dad,

I`ve wanted to so many times say how I feel but each time I do, I cry. I haven`t stopped crying since you passed away as I miss you so much. I miss everything about you and when I visit Mum, my heart breaks as I know she would say how much she misses you too if she could speak.

Today each time we mentioned your name, her face lit up and she smiled. I could have cried a million tears but now while I write I am. I knew I loved you so much but never knew just how much. They say Time heals all wounds and I know it will get easier but what I do know is that wound I have will never heal, the scar will remain forever. I love you with all my heart and I`ll never stop crying because you were one of my greatest friends in all the world and nothing seems the same, I don`t see the world the way I once did anymore, the sunshine you once brought no longer beams with its warmth and light. All I see is a dim light and it`s full of sadness. I will never see that brilliance again.

Love Always, Narelle. x x x x x


It`s been a year today since you went away
My Heart has cried every moment of every day,
When you were here the world was such a nicer place
with your presence, your spirit and your smiling face,
I miss your guiding hand, your humour, your love, your care
To me you were the greatest Father, no-one else could compare,
You don`t realise what you`ve got until it`s gone
Not having you here seems all so wrong.
Today the rain outside is pouring down here
It represents the tears I`ve cried for you in this past year,
Without you nothing will ever be the same
A tear falls with just the mere mention of your name,
But I thank you Dad for all you gave so unselfishly
No-one could have been more proud as a daughter than me.

Narelle. x x x

Dear Joe,
We just wanted you to know
how much we miss you so,
you were the greatest Grandfather to us all
To us you stood ten feet tall,
We sincerely say you were the Greatest Grandfather on this Earth
loving, doting, joking and spoiling us since the moment of our birth,
How lucky we were to have you in our life every day
you gave us meaning, reason, laughter, advice in a special loving way,
You left a hole in our Hearts no-one else can fill
The day you went away stays in our Hearts still,
We love you (Joey), words just can`t describe
all the feelings we hold inside,
but “You will always be our Hero
and the Wind beneath our Wings”
because to us you represented
all the goodness life brings.

Coby, Liam and Tiffany. x x x

Thank you for being the Father I never had
It was the proudest moment to finally call someone “Dad”,
I have so much in my life to thank you for
and Joe, I couldn`t have asked for more,
Knowing you was the best thing in my life
having your grandchildren and your daughter as my wife,
We miss you more than you`ll ever know
I`ll never forget the day you had to go,
I`m a better man for meeting you
and I`ll never lose that love and respect
my whole life through.

Peter. x x x


Dear Dad,

Life holds so many facets

this Earth is only one…

Two years ago today you went away a new journey just begun.

This journey took you beyond the Rainbow`s End and this ache in my Heart will never mend, but I know you`re in a place of warmth and comfort where there are no days and years, I just think of you as resting from the sorrows and the tears.

I think of you and know you`d be wishing that I could know today, how nothing but my sadness can really pass away…

Dad, I know you will always be living in the Hearts of those you touched,for nothing loved is ever lost and as you were then and are now

You will always be loved so much.

From your ever-loving daughter, Narelle.

Dear Joe,

Every day I miss you, every day I want you here, I miss your presence, your jokes, your guiding hand and sitting down having a beer.

You were my Friend and the Father I never had, not so much my Father-in-Law but more my Dad Never a day goes by that I think you`ll walk in the door, you were the centre of our lives and a great deal more.

When it`s time for me….to take that Journey too, It will be one of the greatest moments to again be with you.

Love from Peter.

Dear Joey,

Our Hearts will never be the same because we miss you so The Best Grandfather on Earth, we just want you to know.

You sailed across the seven seas like you always dreamed, where you are they`d salute you, the Captain so esteemed.

All the “Tall Stories” you told, we really miss your laughter, jokes, nearness, hug and kiss, Just being there for us as you were always right from our birth you loved us in a million unconditional ways.

But just like Mum and Dad, we know we`ll see you again way beyond The Seven Seas and The Rainbow`s End.

All our Love Always,

Coby, Liam and Tiffany.

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