George Campbell

George Campbell

Late of Maryland

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12 responses to “George Campbell”

  1. Margaret Welsh

    My sincere condolences for all of George’s family. George was a colleague of mine but also a friend. He will be missed by all who knew him. Nothing was ever too much trouble for George he loved to help and always went above and beyond to provide assistance. He was always ready to tell a story and have a laugh. Thanks George for some good memories and I’m truly sorry your life was ended way too soon xx

  2. Zalie Davison

    Sorry for your loss. My condolences to George’s family. George was a work colleague of mine for many years. My life is better for having had George as a small part of it. Thanks for the laughs George. You were a decent, honest hardworking man who cared deeply for your family and fellow humans. RIP George.

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