George Campbell

George Campbell

Late of Maryland

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12 responses to “George Campbell”

  1. Graham Wirth

    Will always remember George fondly. Our family get togethers were happy, fun times. He was a great guy, Love to all his family and sincere condolences

  2. I’ll always remember George as the man with the largest smile and loudest laugh, his presence will be missed. Rest in peace, uncle.

  3. My condolences to George’s family and to all who loved him. A big bright star has left us. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

  4. Todd Paterson

    Sincerest condolences to everyone impacted by the loss of George. A good man who raised a good family, especially Dave and Lindsay. Better times ahead hopefully for all.

  5. Robyn McLean

    A lovely and very George service for a larger than life friend. Condolences to Jenny and his big loving family. Wild thing!

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