George Campbell

George Campbell

Late of Maryland

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12 responses to “George Campbell”

  1. Tracey Meyn

    Heartfelt condolences for Jenny and all of George’s family.
    I fondly remember George as a gentle Giant with a big heart. He was very compassionate. He would go out of his way to support and help so many, especially during a crisis . I was one. We were colleagues and friends. Thanks George for all the laughs. You’ll be missed and always remembered .
    R. I. P

  2. Lara Lodge

    Thinking of you all at this very difficult time. George’s personality was larger than life and I will always remember his big happy grin. He will be missed at all the family BBQ’s for many years to come. Love from afar. Lara, Alex and William xoxo

  3. June Wirth

    So many fond memories of George. My sincere condolences and love to all his family.

  4. So sorry for your loss. George will be missed and never be forgotten, may his soul rest in peace.

  5. Susan Baglin

    So sorry for your loss, my deepest sympathy to Jenny and all of George’s family.
    Thinking of you all at this very sad time ❤️

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