David John Hawkins


David John Hawkins

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3 responses to “David John Hawkins”

  1. Bob Dailey

    Name: Debbie
    Message: My thoughts are with Hawko’s family and friends. I am so sorry for your loss.
    He really was a great guy. Our group of friends had some truly great times together, times I will cherish forever. Gone too soon, mate x

    Name: Latina n Richard Hardy
    Message: We love you

    Name: Linda James
    Message: Thinking of you all at this sad time.

  2. Name: Brent, Kristen & Scarlett Rowe
    Message: you were a great man you will be missed by everyone who knew you, Take it easy up there..

    Name: Gayle Dorrington
    Message: My sympathy to the family. Know everyone is watching over mum and Zac

    Name: Colleen Kelly & Anthony Maddison
    Message: Sending our love to all of Dave’s family and friends. We have nothing but great memories of Dave. He had a beautiful soul, was a great mate, and will be sorely missed. Rest In Peace Dave. ❤️

    Name: Ken Clements
    Message: We had some great times together at work Mate

    Name: Susan and Bill Meston
    Message: We are thinking of you Helen and all your family at this very sad time.
    May God blessyou and give you all the strength and love that you need. Love Sue and Billxxxxx

    Name: Sharyn sneddon
    Message: My thoughts are with Dave’s family and friends , Dave you are a true gentleman and will be missed

    Name: Kevin and amanda wilson
    Message: RIP
    Remembering all the good times.
    Condolences to the family x

    Name: Robyn Rose
    Message: Love you always you left too soon a bit of my heart goes with you I’m so sorry Dave that you have gone bless you always love you

    Name: Mel Sherry
    Message: David….I was saddened to hear of your passing – way too young!!. You were a top guy and I have great memories of our childhood growing up….the best times. RIP my friend and loads of hugs and love to the family x x x

    Grandma Rose
    Message: Grandma Rose gave love you always as you know gone too soon my thoughts are with you and family and friends and especially your little
    boy Zach and a piece of my heart going with you miss you and love you always❤️🌹😞

    Name: Barry and Jenny Hughes
    Message: Thinking of all the family today and sending love and strength, RIP David ❤

    Name: Darcy Pegg
    Message: My thoughts and condolences are with all of Dave’s family and especially his son. You will be sorely missed Dave. In memory of a great guy.

    Name: Adam & Alita
    Message: Such a gorgeous soul with a kind heart our love and thoughts to his family and his gorgeous son Zac .

    His will be sadly missed by all .
    Our love to all .

    Pietras Family ❤️

    Name: Chris, Krystie and Jakob May
    Message: You left us way to soon Hawko,(uncle Dave), Brother!!
    U may be gone now my friend
    But you will never be forgotten
    We love and miss you mate
    Name: Ben asser
    Message: Fly high my brother
    Till we meet again
    Love you bro

    Name: Jan and Allison Williams
    Message: Thinking of you all. Dave you will be missed

    Name: Phillip frizell
    Message: Miss you mate you 1 in million

    Name: Neisha Sargeant (Caddey)
    Message: Sincere condolences. Dave was a special man. Blessed to have grown up with him in Inverell. Rest easy x

    Name: Mark Lambert
    Message: Dave – so many feelings, not enough words.
    Thank you.
    Wish we had the time to sit and talk about all the things that matter so much. You’re an amazing man, incredible cousin, unbelievable devoted father and someone I have always looked up to.
    Fly high, laugh loud and belt those tunes.
    Thank you and love always.

    Name: Tony Greene
    Message: RIP mate…
    We’ve lost one of the best way too soon.

  3. You truly were one of the good guys. Deepest sympathy to Dave’s family, my heart goes out to zac. He will be very missed but never forgotten. Love the Graf girls.

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