Charles John Smith

Charles John Smith


Passed away at St Joseph`s Sandgate Formerly of Shortland
Aged 87 Years

Dearly loved husband of 62 years to JEAN, beloved father to DAVID, SHEILA, GEOFFREY and MAUREEN, father-in-law to JOAN, FRANK, VANESSA and PAUL (dec), loved grandfather and great grandfather to the members of the BAXTER, BEETSON, OOSTENBROEK, LOUVAO and SMITH FAMILIES.

Relatives and Friends were warmly invited to attend CHARLIE`s Funeral Service at St Paul`s Anglican Church, Naughton Avenue, Birmingham Gardens this TUESDAY 8th January 2008 commencing at 10.30am, thence for burial at Wallsend Cemetery.


I The Care of

Dailey Family Funerals

“lest We Forget”


The committee and members of the Shortland RSL Sub Branch are invited to attend the Funeral of their late member CHARLES JOHN SMITH.

  1. Jennings (Pres)
    K. Brown (Sec)

Charles John Smith

Always in my Heart

7th September 2008

When my Dad that I loved passes on beyond life

In the world that we know is gone

A beautiful sense of your presence like music remembered by heart for you dad on Fathers Day.

Miss you heaps


Our Maurs


We think of you often, and know you are with us in spirit. Your photo sits at my bed side, so I see your smile each night.  Though the years may pass, you will always be in a special corner of my heart.

Love you forever




We think of you often, and know you are with us in spirit. Your photo sits at my bed side, so I see your smile each night.  Though the years may pass, you will always be in a special corner of my heart.

Love you forever



Smith, Charles John

My second Dad.  I remember that first Father’s Day dinner after David & I were married.  There you were with my Dad both wiping up whilst David washed the dishes when I came to see what was taking you all so long – in front of the dishwasher all of you had forgotten was there.  It was a standing joke for every get-together from then on.  Miss both of my dads but know you are both still enjoying the joke together.

Still miss your bright smile.

Joan & David



1 year has passed so quickly since I last said goodbye.

No day or event goes by without my thought of you in my heart.

I love you dearly.

I know if the tears could build a stairway and memories a lane.

I`d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Sadly missed and loved by your loving Daughter Maurs

Gone from our touch but never from our hearts

Love always Melissa and Michael

Remembering you is easy we do it everyday, missing you is heartache that

will never fade away. We miss you more that these words could ever say.

Love always all your grandkids and great-grandchildren


Tears will dry

And time moves on

But you’ll always be in our hearts

I remember breakfast outings, family gatherings & meals on our veranda.  Cuppas together & card games.  Eucha – Oh YES!

Its been a long year & we still miss your bright smile & happy welcome.

Love  David & Joan


Can it really be that time again. Still think of you ,every day, Our family seems so much closer now, and we all miss you smiling face, and your saying of (Iam ok.) help close in the corner of my heart Sheila

Dad you sent me a message last night, I will do as you asked, and forget about the envelope, with all the things, I had as a memory of you and Mum.Everyone said I need to cry, so today I watched your DVD, and had a good cry, so now I move on.

Thinking of you always Sheila

Dad miss you so much, think of you every day .A rose blooms in my garden in memory of you both  love Sheilaxx


Dad will be at your grave on Saturday, over a year has gone and still I miss you remember me and keep us all safe Sheila


HEAVEN IS SO FAR AWAY, THE ROSE IS OUT IN BLOOM AND I SMILE AS I think of you  Love always Sheila xxx


It`s Father`s Day

Dad you were taken from us

Nearly 2 years ago.

Gone are the days we used to share.

I wish I could hear you say

When I went out

Bring on the Dancing girls.

I miss you more than anyone knows

The gates of memory will never close

I`m sorryI did`nt relise

What was happening to you at home

but David protected me from all your pain.

I love my brother for this but I would have made it right.

If only I would have known

It was a big this for David to carry on his

Sholders alone.

We can only thank god that you had a

Great son in David.

You were a great Dad to me

But I feel within myself

I let you down as a daughter

Its taken 2 years to realise this

They say that a broken heart

Will mend but my heart dosent seem to be


I love you dad

Happy Fathers day

Love Out Morn

Keisha  Beetson

Dad , this is my way of wishing you happy fathers day. Life goes on ,Tammy is well on the road to recovery, I know you were with her every step of the way in surgery as was Mum. Happy father’s day for September. The family , now needs to heal, and love each other, What do we do for our young brother, I really do not know, he must make his own way in Life I guess Sheila xxx

Charles John

To Dad on Father`s Day

You know I miss you
From times in the past

I come to sit beside you
To talk about things

That we thought
would last

Maybe we will talk

In dream I have
sometime soon  about
the past

Love David and Joan

I just sitting here
Thinking of about
times that have past

How when you
walking to room your
smile would light it up

If I was down in
The dumps just one
look at your smile would
make eveything OK

I miss your BBQ`s
and the times
you and dad talked if only
that would happen once more

I see you two
I love you and
Dad and miss you heeps

Love your Daughter in-law

Joan and David

You know I miss you

From times in the past

I come to sit beside you

To talk about things that we thought would last

Maybe we will talk again in dreams I have

Sometime soon, about the past

Love David

Memories of Fathers Days past flow through my mind, with both our Dad’s together at BBQs, picnics, restaurants, family gatherings.  You always with a sunny smile to greet us all, and “I’m good”.  Memories colour our past to make us smile whilst we continue our journey through life.  Love Joan


If Roses grow in Heaven


Today is the day we use to have BBQs
For you
Sitting Here missing that I would of love to see
you at Uncle Davids sitting down waiting for me to serve

I wish the family was all together
Instead of apart
I love and miss you pop
Love Mel

If poppies grow in heaven
Lord pick a bunch for me
Place them in my Poppys arms
and tell him there from me
And when he turns to smile place a kiss
Upon his cheek and hold him for a while

Remembering him is easy I do it everyday
But there`s a ache
Within my heart that will
Never go away

Love your Grand daughter


God looked around his garden

and found an empty space.

He then looked down upon the earth

and saw your tired face.

He put his arms around you

and lifted you to rest.

He knew that you would never

Get better on earth.

He saw the road was rough

And the hills were hard to climb.

So he closed your weary eyelids and

Whispered Peace be Thine.

It broke my heart to lose you

You didn`t go alone for part of

Me went with you the day

God called you home.

Forever loved your

Granddaughter Melissa Leigh Beetson

In loving memory of my Poppy

Gone 2 years 4th January

If roses grow in heaven

Lord please pick a bunch for me.

And place them in pops arms.

And Tell him their from Temeka and Kurt

Tell him we  miss him and when he turns

To smile place a Kiss upon his cheek and

Hold him for a while.

Loved and longed for everyday

Love forever Your

Granddaughter Temeka

and Your

Grandson Kurt

Its been two years to

That awful day when Mel

Came in a told me

That you were gone.

It`s that time of year I miss you most

But really it doesn`t take a

Special day to remember

Your smiling face.

In time Mum would say

All will be alright

Well Dad tell it to hurry up

So this heart of mine can mend

Sheila tells me to let you go

and don`t dwell on the past

But Dad I loved you dearly and

It`s hard to let you go.

I know Mum`s place would be

Beautiful in heaven because

Look at all the beautiful  people in it

I Love you Dad

I wish you were hear But Dad you

Will always be in my heart

Love your Daughter

Our Maureen


Days come and days go, have been thinking of you all day today, god kept you on earth until your time was done. So now you are on a higher plane until it is time to start the journey once again.

love you so much Sheila 4/01/10

You will always be thought of with a special thought. It is time for goodbyes, until we meet again

Love Always Sheila

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