Allan John Morris

Allan John Morris

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5 responses to “Allan John Morris”

  1. J & B Bubb

    Don’t forget to take your SQUASH RACKET with you – Thank you for all the good time we ALL had together – Brian & Jean & all the BUBB’s

  2. Stacey Thomas

    My condolences to Kylie, Darren, Christina and families. Rest in Peace Allan. A life well lived.
    Love Stacey xx

  3. Sharon Simpson

    That was beautiful. Your Dad would’ve been very proud. xxx

  4. Tracey Johnson

    Thinking of you all .. big hugs to everyone especially my wonderful friend Kyles..RIP Allan…or Mr Morris as I knew him back in the day.💙💙

  5. Annette MacDonald

    Thinking of you Kyles and family. I knew your dad through your conversations and know you’ll miss him. May you find strength from being together and solitude in the memories you have of your dad wonderful life. Annette

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