Alan Geoffrey Scorse

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32 responses to “Alan Geoffrey Scorse”

  1. Name: Graham & Catharine Johnston
    Your Message: To Matthew and Family, our sincerest condolences, we remember a beautiful person and friend RIP

    Name: Godfrey and Jowell Fong
    Your Message: Wish we could be there. Our condolences to you all.

    Name: Neville & Jennifer Voigt
    Your Message: Our Condolence’s Voigt Family

    Name: Karen Warburton
    Your Message: Rest in Peace Alan “Groovy” Scorse.

    Name: Kathleen Gunn
    Your Message: R.I.P. Alan. Love Kath and Family

    Name: Matthew Crowl
    Your Message: RIP GROOVE

    Name: Joanne
    Your Message: Thinking off you all ..

  2. Name: Bill & Robyn Burnett

    Message: Re the Alan Scorse Service on Thursday 30th. “From an admiring mentor and long-past colleague in the saddle, your involvement meant so much to everyone who enjoyed your company both on and off the track. – Bill and Robyn Burnett”

  3. Name: Alan Marks

    Message: Re the Alan Scorse Service on Thursday 30th – “To the entire Scorse family, deepest heart-felt condolences for the loss of a genuine friend and a great companion who made our experiences so memorable – Alan, Shirley, Stuart and Sylvia Marks”

  4. Name: Pamela Rose Smith
    Your Message: Sorry for your loss thinking of you all . RIP Alan 💙

  5. Tracey King
    Watched you leave today Allan 😢our chit chats and drinking sessions 🍻at the club will be sorely missed 😔goodbye my friend 💔

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