Alan Geoffrey Scorse

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32 responses to “Alan Geoffrey Scorse”

  1. Name: Jennifer & Sophia Scorse

    Your Message: We love you Al, wishing for one more song and dance ❤️

  2. Name: Maurice Sinclair

    Your Message:
    Riding the heavens now Groove in eternal peace with Sharon.
    We will miss you.
    with much love xx Maurice and Jane Sinclair

  3. Name: Brett Bennett

    Your Message: Thoughts go out to the Scorse family and the joy that Alan and his family gave me by training my first winner in horse ownership it’s something I’ll never forget.

  4. Name: Anthony Merlo

    Your Message: Alan
    It was a pleasure to have you as a friend and client, you will be sadly missed by all your golfing mates and Wednesday golf will not be the same.

  5. Name: Jim Ashcroft

    Your Message: Sure going to miss you my great mate .Many great times and not long enough to do many more .Love you champion and forever in my heart.

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