Alan Geoffrey Scorse

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32 responses to “Alan Geoffrey Scorse”

  1. Name: Judy Maynard

    Your Message: Gone too soon

  2. Name: Chris Ahearn

    Your Message: Thinking of You Groove with lots of fond memories.May You and Sharyn both Rest In Peace.

  3. Name: Bill Burnett

    Your Message: I have know Alan since he was an apprentice with Ray Guy. ‘Groovy’ had a wonderful sense of humor and in all the years I knew him he never changed. I am saddened to hear of his passing and the circumstances in which he passed. I extend my condolences to Alan’s family and friends, he will be sorely missed.
    May God take him in to his care.
    Rest in Peace Groovy.

  4. Name: Didi

    Your Message: Sleep peacefully Alan you are once again with Sharyn resting together ❤️

  5. Name: Jim and Dorothy Johnstone

    Your Message: RIP Alan
    A great friend, jockey, horse trainer.
    Many great memories
    You’ll be truely missed

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