Alan Geoffrey Scorse

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32 responses to “Alan Geoffrey Scorse”

  1. Name: Michael Buckley

    Your Message: Farewell Groovy – A fantastic, kind human being and a wonderful horseman.

    Thoughts with the entire Scorse family on the loss of a legend!

  2. Name: Lee Kerin
    Contact Details (if applicable): Watagan Grange
    Your Message: Alan used to come to the farm for a lunch or just a horse visit and he would sit on a swinging chair just thinking and looking out at the view. He would sit there for ages and often with a beer or glass of red in hand.
    Alan was just the loveliest man and all of us at the farm will miss him terribly.
    All our sympathies goes to Matthew, Libby, Bradley, Lachie and Lara

  3. Name: Troy Stonestreet

    Your Message: Goodbye my little mate ‘Groove’ thanks for all the fun times & great memories, rest in peace buddy.
    Will b forever remembered!!

  4. Name: Alan Gollogly

    Your Message: Miss you.

  5. Name: Luke Stone

    Your Message: Was a great man, will be missed. Enjoyed going to the track with him, trained the first horse was in, RIP Groove

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