Agnes Orr

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2 responses to “Agnes Orr”

  1. Jim McAllister

    I only met my Aunt Agnes a couple of times when she came back to Scotland to visit her two sisters, my Aunt Mary and my mum Annie.
    I remember her as a vibrant, full of life character with a big smile and a great laugh. She was full of stories about her life in Scotland and her life in Australia.
    Thinking of you all especially my cousins Jimmy, Julie and Kimmy and all your families.
    Rest in peace Aunt Agnes

  2. Shirley Byrd

    Julie, Kim Jimmy and family I am so sorry for your loss! Aunt Agnes was a fun loving person and spoke what was on her mind which I loved about her. I enjoyed when you came to Scotland to visit all of us. We had the best time! You will be greatly missed.

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