Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Columba`s Catholic Church, Adamstown for the repose of the soul of the late


The Relatives and Friends of NEIL CLARKE, JENNIFER and GRAHAM HOBBA, ANGUS and RUBY, and DARREN CLARKE, ANN and PETER LACEY, DAVID and LEISA SWANSON, ALORA and ETHAN, GREGORY SWANSON and ANNA SWANSON and the POWER, CLARKE and SWANSON FAMILIES are invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved mother, mother-in-law, nan, great-grandmother, sister-in-law and auntJOYCE SYLVIA CLARKEAged 78 yearsLate of Blueys Beach(loved wife of the late John Clarke) to be held at St. Columba`s Catholic Church, Lockyer St, Adamstown this TUESDAY 22/07/2003 afternoon Funeral Mass commencing at 1 pm, then proceeding to the Catholic Cemetery, Sandgate.

By request no flowers, donations can be left at the Church for the Mater Hospice.
May She Rest in Peace

Frank T.Meighan Pty Ltd
4952 3099
Family Owned & Operated

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