HOLL, Leslie (Snow)

Leslie (Snow) HOLL.

The Relatives and Friends of Mrs NANCY HOLL, JOANNE FREWIN, ROBERT and GAIL HOLL, RICHARD and LOUISE HOLL, FRED HOLL, BOB and AILEEN PETTIT and FAMILIES and the HOLL and PETTIT FAMILIES were invited to attend the Funeral Service for their beloved husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle

LESLIE (Snow) HOLL, of Swansea

On FRIDAY morning at 10.45 o`clock in the Hillside Chapel of Palmdale Memorial Park, Palmdale Road, Ourimbah.

Aged 81 Years

A Memorial Service wase held FRIDAY11/07/2003 at 2.30 o`clock in the Presbyterian Church, Macquarie Street, Swansea.

Funeral Director James Murray Ph 4961 1435

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