1979 – 2008

Passed away too young in New York January 2008




Heath Ledger was a gifted human being.  Though I never met or crossed paths with him, I was always caught up in his performances as an actor.  I would easily forget I was watching “Heath Ledger,” and simply see the characters he portrayed.  In this, I realized what a truly gifted individual he was.

News of his death was like getting sucker-punched in the gut.  I don`t know why it affected me so deeply (as I didn`t have the privilege of knowing him), but it doesn`t matter.  I can`t imagine my lifetime without having been affected by his exceptional work–work that he loved with seemingly every fiber of his being–this conclusion coming respectfully, in this past week, from learning the views of his collegues.

His father was quoted as calling him an “old soul.”  With that, I wholeheartedly agree.  There was this unspoken wisdom about him in his work, and in the few interviews I saw with him actually speaking, I got the same sense.

What amazes me is how deeply he has impacted a great number of people with a strong legacy of an actor`s work..  In my humble opinion, Heath Ledger  truly set a standard by which many actors could learn something invaluable.  It struck me that he didn`t care so much for the image as he did for the craft.  He was in this respect, truly honorable.

Many often question the need for what actors do in this world. Some are not true to the work–but Heath Ledger was.  Still, can we imagine what life would be like without theater, without film and television and without stories brought to life by people as gifted as he was?  We, as average human beings are moved (if we look closely and really allow ourselves to open our minds to what we see), by people who reflect well what we feel inside–from joy to sadness–a gamut of emotions. Heath had a natural ability to do this for us.

And Heath, in his youthful existence but soulful agelessness–affected many of us on the deepest levels possible.  He didn`t need an Oscar to prove his worthiness.  He respected the work, he respected himself in the work, and left an idelible mark among his colleagues and contemporaries–not to mention those who watched him do his best.

As for his daughter Matilda, Michelle and his family and other friends and loved ones, I have no right or reason to speak–nor the right to speculate on the depth of their loss.  But my heart is broken for you all.  Nonetheless, to each of us is granted a finite amount of time on this earth to make or break our existence–to leave an impression, good or bad–Heath left the best he possibly could, and I am, at the very least, grateful.

For what it`s worth from a stranger who believes she understood the pure value of his existence and will miss him too, I believe in a Heaven that we cannot imagine. A “place” where there is no pain, no question, no reason or doubt–just peace and an existence beyond what we, still bound to this earth, can possibly imagine.

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger–you`ve done well.  God Bless and rest your soul–and may God bring peace into the hearts of those you left behind to carry on your memory.  You will be missed tremendously.  Well done, mate.


With respect,
Leslie C.
Smyrna, Tennessee
United States



Here`s to a happy afterlife Heath You`ll will never be forgotten.

peace love & happiness to all




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