Jocris Harrison

Jocris Harrison


Late of Windale

Ray and Marie wish to invite family and friends to the funeral service of their beloved son Jocris.

To be held at the Newcastle Christian Centre, Tudor Street Hamilton on Thursday 14/12/2006 commencing at 2pm

Newcastle PCYC

Members of Newcastle PCYC are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of our late Boxing Section Member Jocris Harrison

  1. Richards (Mgr.)

A beautiful young person who will be sadly missed by all.

Rest in peace.

John and Kim Sullings and Family

marie i dont know if you realise how me and jo where at one stage but he really was like a brother its sad to think that people dont know how close we were or you and raymond dont know how close we were i miss him so much and always will.

Sitting here writing this while im in tears and can not stop crying lots and lots of love beau

i will always miss him


jocris, a wonderful friend who will be missed by all, and will always be in our hearts.

i can`t count how many tears i have cried, but i would cry forever if it meant i could see him again.

i wrote a poem for him so here it is:


goodbye`s arn`t very easy

nobody said they are,

just remembering the day you left,

the day you went so far.

no one knew why that day

i don`t think they ever will,

because god took someone so close to us,

and that will never heal.

we can never get you back

we know because we`ve tried,

we just want you to know how we feel

and know how much we`ve cried.

on that day we lost someone we loved and respected so much,

it was everyone`s problem,

it was all such a rush.

but everyone who loved you and lost you know that they`ll see you again,

and finally then we can say goodbye to all this pain.


we will miss you always jocris

love karra


To Raymond, Marie and family

Just a message to say how greatly we will miss Jo. He was a wonderful person who always put a smile on my face when i seen him, he always had a story to tell me it could have been about boxing, dancing, his muscles which always cracked me up or how one day he was getting pizza and he was $1.00 short so he knocked on my window at work and said shae could i borrow just $1.00  to get my pizza  i dont have enough of course i gave him the $1.00 but when he got his pizza he came straight into my work and MADE me have a piece of his pizza and he wouldnt take no for an answer so i took a piece and ate it but the funny thing is i dont even like pizza i ate it to make him happy. He was one good kid and we are going to miss him dearly.

Rest In Peace Jo

Love always Shaeleigh Sharp

rip jocris harrison.

  1. joyous.
  2. outgoing.
  3. cute.
  4. rare.
  5. irreplaceable.
  6. sensational.

you will be in our hearts forever you beautiful boy. you will be sorely

missed, your happy smile and friendly nature and the way he could make

people laugh. he was a kind, caring and approachable guy who was popular

with everyone. he was always so nice and generous. everyone just loved

jocris harrison.

rest in peace we will never forget you and we`ll see you soon baby.

love bianca vo.

I don’t no what to say it’s all too sudden…

Jo IL always remember you and thanks for being there for me in times that I needed…

IL always keep in mind the funny things we did together and now that you’re gone everything doesn’t feel the way it use to be but one day il see you again.

Brothers 4eva Anthony…


Dear My Beloved Friend Jo

I could not believed your gone, NOT seing you around town its seems not the same, you always brings laughter on everyone faces.

At the beggening I wondered who you are?, hearing your name in almost all  gurls I meet, YOU are the most papular guys in town I`ve known, then one day I finaly meet you, You blew me out,  whoah those mussles, not just good looking you`re so cool, I must admit I can dance now BUT not good as you are, infact there is one gurl I like her so much, she said if I can dance like you she will go out with me, hows is that bro? then we start hanging around I feel good just being around you, I felt papular myself, You teach me how to be a good person, sometimes I wish you`re my brother or even I am You, I luv you my friend, I hope one day we will meet again somewhere out there you still remember me


Bro JJ

Dear Jocris


I found a photo of you today dressed as the drunkard Mexican from the western play we did at Waratah High. I will always remember you like that; smiling, full of energy, kindness and that charasmatic spark that no one could explain. You know, that quality that made you contagious in a good way.


You are one of the most beautiful and talented people I know; I will never forget you!


Love always





To Our Dearest Son Shine Jocris

Its been a while now since you left us, as your mother I stil can not believed your not with us anymore, where ever you are I know you will never be lonely coz knowing what you like you probably having fun with others out there and making a new friend like you did here on earth, next time I go home I will do something for you, on your property in the Philippines. I”ll built you a full size statue at the top of the cave entrance and landscape it to make it beautiful next to our house in between two the mango tree, where all your uncles anties and cousins can visit you anytime they like. And I will call it Jocris Cave. My birtday coming soon this is the 1st yr I will not recieve card from you that you made.

Dad and I and all your friends missing you so much.

Love you and missed you so much mum


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