George CROCE

George CROCE

Aged 44 Years

ERIN, CHRIS and LUCA warmly invited the Relatives and Friends of the CROCE, HUGHES and PANTELOPOULOS FAMILIES to attend the Funeral Service of their much loved father and brother GEORGE.

Held on Thursday 25 May 2006 at St Stephen`s, Brunker Road, Adamstown commencing at 10.30am.

Interment  followed this service at Sandgate Cemetery.

George Croce was my dad and we loved him very much and we knew that our love was returned.

hey dad

daniel and i miss you heaps we will always be together in our hearts and in our heads it may not be in physical form but i will always know that you love me and the boys and we will never forget you or any of the things you have done over the short amount of time you with us every one misses you dearly

 love you forever dad

love you daddy i will always be your little princess love Erin

Members of the above Club are invited to attend the Funeral of their late member, GEORGE CROCE , father of Chris and Luca.
S. Russell (Pres.)

Dad i luv you so much

my friends miss you are pretty there 2nd dad im glad you are mine my sister and my brother bi dad

hey daddy

daniel says to say he misses you heaps and will never forget the good times you shared nor will anyone i really miss you daddy did you hear tammy yell out hello the other night on the way to the trots she pointed to the brightest star said Erin thats your dad and yelled hello georgie daddy  i really love you and i really miss you i wish you were still here

Love Your Little Princess





George it`s cassie

I know that you probably know this but you have fathered three of the most

beutiful kids ever and i feel blessed that for the short time that you were

alive i was welcomed into your family as if one of your own and you have no

idea how much that meant to me. I will always remember the fun times that i

experienced while at your house and the warmth and love i know that you

always had for your three children and i wanted you to know that i love

your daughter as one of my dearest and most beutiful friends and thankyou

for everything you have ever done for me. :-*

My little brother George was a giant of a man. He had a giant’s passion and love for life, for his children, for his family and for his friends. And in turn he was dearly loved by his children, his family and his friends. Indeed George had many passions in life, too many to mention in the brief time we have to share together, so if I may, let me mention briefly, those most dearest to him, I hope in the right order. First and foremost, as all will tell you, were his children Erin, Christopher and Luca. Then came his love for his family and friends, his love for music, sport and pride in his work. Being a giant of a man, he loved them with all his being.

George loved all his children, equally. I think George would like it known that he was especially proud of Luca, who was with his father in his final moments, when he needed him most. Luca acquitted himself when it mattered most to his father with courage, intelligence and a maturity well beyond his tender years. Let me remind everyone especially his children he loved them all equally. And he had the most amusing ways of disciplining them. He would remind his sons to stop their bickering by saying, “Look at me and Uncle Nic, this is how brothers behave, like close mates!” and he’d hug me in a giant embrace that shook all of me and would make us all laugh.

Georgie didn’t just have a good sense of humour, it was infectious and its vehicle was his giant booming laughter, as all will attest. Georgie cultivated his humour from a very early age eg, he’d hide in a cupboard to surprise the next person to open the door, by turning on his flashlight, snapping to attention and identifying himself as Det. Inspector George Croce, Homicide, his favourite show as a little boy. As a high-spirited teenager, his response to discipline and authority in the meek and mild-mannered form of my mother pleading for a tidier room, was to pick her up, place her on his shoulder and run up and down the corridor until she caved in with laughter. It was difficult to stay angry with him, besides he’d say, what harm could you possibly do to a giant of a man.

George had many fine qualities appreciated by all those he touched and if I may, I will briefly mention his finest from the perspective of all who knew him, including of course his co-workers and employers, followed by a quick example. George’s employers, co-workers, friends and family found him to be honest, loyal, dedicated, responsible, enthusiastic, intelligent, innovative, adaptable, willing and sincere. On the rare occasion when George had time for himself he would willingly volunteer his labour and expertise to help out those in need. A good example was his favourite form of providing assistance to those who only had to ask, what he lovingly called Dodgy Brothers Constructions. George helped his only niece renovate, renew her new house and realise her dream of living in her new home, where he was always welcomed. He helped with the same enthusiasm, dedication, skill, leadership and good humour, often calling on his consummate diplomacy and sense of fairness, honed from his days as a referee. I know he would have appreciated and admired the respect and dignity shown by his friends and family as an example, all teams George coached and or refereed wore a black arm-band to honour and remember him. George was also a 2nd Dan black belt, a sport he competed in for many years, refining his self-discipline, courage, strength and agility.

My little brother loved his music and played in a number of bands as a young man, supporting fellow musicians such as the Angels, for that’s how they saw him, a talented, fellow musician. I was most fortunate in joining one of those bands, in recent years. We formed a foursome, and with original material written by a close friend and brother of the fourth member, our music was enjoyed by our ethereal audience, just as soon as we recorded and entered the ABC Music Awards last year, our tracks reaching the finals and uploaded to the web. Like many music fans, George had his favourites, his most favourite tunes encompassed many styles of music and closest to his heart were our tracks The Southern Lights, as it speaks of hope, unity and understanding, The Boys of Cobb and Co because it appealed to his sense of humour and a track called Saturday is Fathers Day because that’s when his children would return to him.

I ask you now to join me in my farewell and to remember him with laughter, kindness and dignity.

Nic & Sue Croce

On behalf of George, his children, brother, sisters, nephews, niece and members of George`s extended family, we would like to thank all who attended George`s farewell on Thursday, May 25th, 2006.

Nic & Sue Croce

hey daddy sorry about the other night chris got upset because he hasnt wrote anything and i have any way tammy danielle and i came out to see you on my birthday did you see us daddy i miss you so much i feel like my life just doesnt make sense anymore you know and i always knew that with this sort of stuff i could go to you and you would help me through it but i cant do that now i would give anything to have you back just for a day even for a minute i just really wanna see you i think to myself you know whats really scary i am not ever gonna get to see my daddy only in photos and on videos but i wanna see you as you were daddy i miss you so much but i love you more bye daddy

love your little princess xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox (5/6/2006)


Drive on by today, we`ll see you on your way

But before you go you need to know what we need to say

Drive on by, we`ll be OK, you must believe that`s true

Drive on by, hit the highway, here`s what we wish for you:

May a gentle breeze caress you May it bring the peace to bless you

May your glass be never empty May the weather suit your soul

May an angel babe along the way be giving your the eye

Drive on by  Go on, drive on  Drive on by

May the road rise up to meet you  May familiar faces greet you

May you proudly choose to wear no shoes until the end of time

May you give them hell in heaven May you hang them out to dry

Drive on by  Go on, drive on  Drive on by

May your cares be far behind you  May the landlord never find you

May you riff the perfect bass line  May the band want you to play

May you love it so that here below we`ll have no cause to cry

Drive on by  Go on, drive on   Drive on by

May your place be at the table  May your face by on the mantle

May your memory be a candle in your children`s eyes

May your smile be our horizon May your laughter light the sky

Drive on by  Drive on Georgie

Drive on by

[- to Tich from Curly]

Hi George,

You probably don`t remember me too well. I was a friend of Erin`s a while

ago. I just wanted to say that even though your body has passed on, your

spirit will remain in the hearts of those who love you forever more.You did

a good job on how you brought your kids up and they will live through the

memories of you every day they live until they take their last breath. You

are a good father and friend to all and you will be sorely missed. Yours sincerely Krystal Hayden

George your little girl called me today and i felt her heart break but i

told her that you gave us the courage to face this and that you will always

be here any still are and i think that the most important thing in life is

that we feel close to eachother and i am sad that i cant be with your

daughter right at this minuite but i know that someday we will all be

together and then we can laugh once more at all the silly things that life

made us do.

love cass

G`day Tich,

It`s Lor. Hope you like the new one by Curl, Drive On By,it`s for you – I think it`s another hit, though Curl, being Curl, is too bashful to say. Curl, Mor and I are getting together over the weekend to record it for you – it will be missing its bass track though – it should be a barrel of laughs, cause I know what they plan to do at lunchtime with me, as do you. I know you wouldn`t miss it for quids, so we`ll have drink for you too.

Your bro in music,

Love yez,



      To me you are a great father and a honest and desent man who had so much fun and laughter to share with everyone you could. We are all going to miss you very much. George could you please help Dylan up there don`t let him cry to much and tell him Mummy will be with him as soon as i can give him hugs and kisses for me. we all love you

love Sarah 9/6/2006


Drive On By has now been recorded and I`ll burn off a copy for the family. It turned out well, as did the weekend. Well, very nearly so, as we missed you, your laughter, your “Next!” and of course your bass line. All the other stuff has been taken care of and is in the very competent hands of our Uncle Dan.

Always in my thoughts,



George, Thanks for your wonderfully big heart & beautiful infectious laughter & smiles

hey daddy how you going i miss you like crazy i wish you were still here but there is nothing i can do i guess you probably think that everyone has forgotten about you well just so you know i havent i think about you every second of every day and that will never change i think everyone is sick of my crying all the time but i dont care danielle and i arent friend anymore she said she wants nothing to do with me so i said if thats how your gonna be then be that way i just dont care anymore i have to go but just remember that i am always thinking of you ok not matter wat happens in my life you the first person on my mind i love you daddy

Love Always Daddy`s Little Princess



hey daddy danielle and i are talking again thank god daniel the boys and i went to the cemetry on saturday to see you sorry i didnt say anything but its really hard for me at the moment and when i seen the cross with your name on it, it all started to feel real and beleiveable but i guess its only understandable  i miss you so much

hope to see you soon  (26/7/2006)


The track Drive on By is in a format that can be uploaded to your website. Luca and our sisters have heard it and they like it so I`ll arrange to upload the track in the very near future for you.

Thinking of you,

Nic, family and friends  (4/8/2006)

“Please download Drive On By -dedicated to George, written by Curl, sung by Curl, accompanied by Morrie on Mandolin and Lorrie on guitar (in MP3 format).”

Drive On By


Hey daddy sorry i haven`t written to you lately been kinda lazy but that`s what i get from you so i wouldn`t change it but your beautiful grandson is walking well more like running now he is getting so big he is almost 13 months old and he definitely has the Croce genes he is such a lazy bum but that`s my boy daddy you would love him don`t worry i will make sure he knows who are and never forgets you i love you dad talk soon xoxo love your princess



In The Care Of


122 Elder Street Lambton  Phone 4956 4221

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