John Francis Lunn

John Francis Lunn

Formerly of Swansea

1948 – 2008 aged 60

Passed away after a long illness June 1, 2008

MAREE, FLORENCE and TED (dec.), MICHELLE and MURRAY, BEN and SHAYNA, RAY (dec.), DAVID, KATRINA and JOSHUA warmly invited Family and Friends to the celebration of life for their beloved husband, son, father, brother and poppy.

JOHN`S celebration  held at Lake Macquarie Memorial Park, Palmers Road, Ryhope, on WEDNESDAY (4/6/2008), commencing at 9.30 a.m.

“Always In Our Hearts”

In The Care of Dailey Family Funerals

Ph 4956 4221

A Tribute from Maree

In Memory Of You

By: Kristi A. Dyer

I find an old photograph and see your smile.
As I feel your presence anew,
I am filled with warmth and my heart remembers love.

I read an old card sent many years ago during a time of turmoil and confusion.
The soothing words written then still caress my spirit and bring me peace.

I remember who you used to be the laughter we shared and wonder what you have become.
Where are you now, Where did you go, When the body is left behind and the spirit is released to fly?

Perhaps you are the morning bird singing joyfully at sunrise, or the butterfly that dances so carelessly on the breeze or the rainbow of colors that brightens a stormy sky or the fingers of afternoon mist delicately reaching over the mountains or the final few rays of the setting sun lighting up the skies
edging the clouds with a magical glow.

I miss your being but I feel your presence, In whatever form you choose to take,
however you now choose to be.

Your spirit has become for me a guardian angel on high guiding, advising, and watching over me.

I remember you.
You are with me and I am not afraid.


“ Love you Johnny, always have, always will, Maree”

Dear John

As Michael said this is the end of another era.

I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me and my family over the years.  You were always there to help with anything we needed, you built Greg’s minibike trailer, took  everyone down to the snow and spend valuable skiing time teaching  them to ski (I think I was your only failure there). You fixed the boys bikes, motorbikes and anything they needed fixing.  You took Tracy all over the place with you and I know she has some happy memories of your adventures as have Greg, Craig and Scott.


I remember one funny night when we all went to the drive in together, you had the kombi van and Rowan had a van of some type, both vehicles were backed up to the sites with the back doors/windows open, we put all the kids in one van and partied in the other……did we ever see the movie….I think we just had heaps of fun.

You saw a funny side in everything in life and lived life to the fullest.  I remember there were always parties and music and laughter.  A tip to Old Sydney Town was another memorable occasion…….Laugh!!!

We had some very happy times and some very sad times over the years which is all part of life I guess.

I remember our trips back from the snowy of a Sunday night with you guys in the silver Honda and us in my Ford V8 with you leading the way and giving me signals when it was safe for me to overtake the vehicles, I put so much trust in your judgement and just did what you signalled on blind corners etc where you were far enough ahead that you could see the oncoming traffic ….we had fun.

You had so many interests over the years and I will probably forget some of them here but the ones I am aware of are soccer, surfing, sailing, car rallies (oh my god, do you remember the Renault)  motor bike riding as well as push bike riding, a bit of water skiing and not to mention the love of your life, snow skiing.  All of that as well as non sporting interest ie politics, union and general discussion about just about anything.

We also had some good trips…..remember Tassie… riding….enough said on that one.

John, you will be missed so much and even though we haven’t really had you for quite some years now you will always be in our hearts and we will always make a toast to an “absent friend” whenever we are having our “get togethers”.

Loads and loads of Love John


There is nothing in this life that hurts more than a parent losing a much loved child, today I am coming to understand that John has gone from my sight forever and it is breaking my heart.and I don`t know how I am going to cope.

 I know that John would want me to be brave and be glad he has been released from the awful misery he has suffered over the last few years but today I just feel drained.

He is at peace now ,  I love him , I miss him and I will never forget him.   From his Mother Florence

To John

Today I felt an overwhelming sense of grief at the fact that you are not with us any more.You were a huge part of my life growing up and I will forever remember the good times , hard times and sad times that we have all shared with you as part of our family.No family event will ever be the same with you not there ,who`s going to spill the red wine or make us laugh when its probably  an inappropriate situation to do so, or argue with Chami long and loud about anything if  only to see who was loudest……of cause Chami will always win that one……

Thank you for always including me and taking me to places and things  far and near that I would have never seen like Motor X ,to this day I still love bike racing and any thing motor bikes.

Remember the surprise party that was put on for you long long time ago…Boy was it a surprise  when very late and very drunk you came through the gates said some words I cant repeat and spent the rest of the night in the loo.

We will miss you always and forever but rest assured you will never be forgotten you are the most unforgettable person any one could ever have the privilege of knowing so till we meet again love you heaps kid.

From Tracy

(Bah Humbug)



Eulogy for John Lunn

We are here to celebrate the life of John Lunn, who finally passed away, in the arms of Maree, peacefully, aged 60 years, on Sunday morning, June 1 2008, after a long battle with illness. John was the much-loved son of Florence and Ted, brother of Ray and David, father of Michelle, (his daughter from his marriage to Veronica) and Step-Father to Shayna and Ben. He was Grandfather – (“Poppy”) to Katrina and Joshua. John was also a much-loved friend to so many people.

Let us choose today and from now on, to focus on the joy that resulted from our times and interactions with John during his life. His memory will always be with us. His larrikin, restless, funny and energetic spirit and his great strength, which came through so strongly throughout his life, can still be felt.

You will know that John enjoyed living his experiences at full throttle. Never one to do something by halves, he was a passionate, courageous and sometimes crazy participant in whatever was going.

As it became evident over recent months that John may not survive his illness, many people have contributed stories about experiences they have shared with John over the years.

First of all, a message from Maree:

“I first met John at Nadya’s wedding on 4th December 1998. We became friends and met regularly over the years at the Chami’s. We first went out on my birthday in 2002. It was to Catho Pub for a ball. We danced all night and had the funniest evening. Jimmy Stewart met us at the door with bear slippers on his feet. Catho was also the last place I took John to. We went there the day before he went into care. Jimmy was with us that day, too.  It was always special for us. We would go there on a Sunday, after a long bike ride on the Yamaha 750, up to Wollombi, or along the old highway to Sydney. We would listen to the music, yarn to friends, meet up with Michelle, Murray and Flo and have a quiet drink.

“Some Sunday mornings, we would pack a picnic, get Flo and go and sit near the beach, enjoy the view and have breakfast.

“John told me that it took about a week for him to fall in love with me. It always felt right to us, like we were always meant to be together. Our love got us through many difficult days and it was with the greatest joy that we could marry and plan a future together. He loved family life and welcomed Ben and Shayna into his life with great joy and pride. He delighted in Ben’s sailing stories and learnt to love Byron Bay as much as Shayna does.

“We both enjoyed the outdoors life and John taught me how to ride a road bike. One Easter, he and Johnny Crossley took me on a long ride through the back country around Berridale. I kept crashing and falling off the bike; the first few times they would pick me up, dust me down and send me on my way. I remember riding down a hill and seeing the two Johns waiting patiently for me. Yet again, I was so excited, because I was managing to stay upright and clipped in.  As I got closer, I couldn’t get my feet out and fell, just in front of them. They looked at me, looked at each other, threw up their hands and said “Oh, just leave her!” We laughed so hard and had so much fun together.

“I was a sailor and John taught me how to ski. He always believed that I could learn and insisted from the beginning that one day I would ski Jackson Hole, in Wyoming with him. I thought he was crazy, but he was right. I remember the first time he took me skiing at Thredbo. I was so exhausted that I could hardly move. We were sitting in the Berridale Pub, having a glass of wine before dinner. John looked across the table at me, as I struggled to raise my arm and said: ‘Honey, if you were a dog, I would shoot you.’

We skied Thredbo often those first few Winters and once we got caught in a blizzard at Perisher, with our friend, Diana.

“We had two fabulous skiing holidays with Mike and Mary Kay Kelly in Colorado. We traveled to New Mexico and Jackson Hole, in Wyoming, with them and spent one October in Colorado enjoying the American Fall. We rode our bikes around Lake Dillon. It was incredibly beautiful, surrounded by trees in all the shades of yellow, red and orange. We went jeeping in the mountains with his old friends from Georgetown on old railway tracks to 12,000 feet. At times, the driver would have to do a 3 point turn to change directions on the switchbacks and the jeep would face directly down the mountain. We got a bit unnerved when we noticed the wife of the driver started to get out and wait for him to do the turns!

“One memory that so reminds me of John, was the day he took me in a snow cat to ski in the National Park somewhere near Silverthorne. Mike would remember the place. He was there. I was terrified. There were two guides and eight of us. The rest were highly experienced skiers, including Dave McCloskey, who thrived on black runs. I kept telling John I would only ski down if I felt I could; otherwise I was staying with the snow cat and taking photos. We got to the top. I think it was around 12000 feet. We all got out and the guides gave us survival packs to strap on in case we got caught in an avalanche. I turned around and I remember seeing the snow cat moving slowly back down the mountain. I nearly died of fright and I remember Mike saying to me, “just breathe”. He could see how scared I was. John just smiled at me and told me that I could ski down, he believed in me, as he always did and again I found the courage to do what I thought I could never do. It was such an exhilarating day and I skied that mountain, top to bottom, three times. Each run would take about an hour through the National Park.

“We travelled through five states in Australia together, sightseeing, riding, walking, and meeting up with old friends and family. We always enjoyed the quiet things together, listening to music, sharing a meal with our friends with a glass of wine and talking and telling stories. John always made friends easily.

“As John’s illness progressed, we spent nearly all our time together and always managed to find joy in each day. We spent hours in the garden and took long drives just to enjoy the scenery. Towards the end, when things were so hard for John, we would sit at the lookout on the Esplanade at Caves Beach and look out to sea and just enjoy the quiet moments together.

“John has always found a way to connect with people and he kept the essence of himself all through his illness. Everyone who visited John felt his presence and felt the love we shared.

“John always showed immense courage and dignity. He knew what was happening to him and was always more concerned about how I would be without him than the losses he was experiencing. John always believed that he could do anything and he did. He never gave up, he laughed long and loud, he loved well and unconditionally. “

During John’s last week, Maree was with John twenty-four hours a day, giving him loving support the whole way through. She said that she is so grateful for all the joy and love they shared and the memories that will stay with her forever, but that there are no words for the grief she feels.

John’s Mum, Florence and Brother, David:

“I would like to say for myself and David, that life with John as a son and brother has been a real privilege. We love him dearly and will miss him badly. He has always been a caring member of our family, even if his warped sense of humor sometimes caused some raised eyebrows.

Flo recalls a story of John at the age of four:  “My father and uncle were having a conversation one morning about the cold spell of weather we were having. (We were living in the Blue Mountains at the time).  John, or Snow, (as my Father always called him), was taking in the conversation until he thought it was time for him to impart some important information of his own. He began tugging at my Father’s sleeve. When asked what he wanted, he replied: ‘I will tell you something else, COAL BURNS BETTER IF YOU PEE ON IT!’ So, with our present cool spell, this little gem is worth keeping in mind. Thanks John.

“Ted and I returned home from holidays a day earlier than expected, to find John, Ray, David and Jimmy Stewart busily repainting the hall and lounge room of our home and in response to our looks, simply said “don`t ask”.  It must have been some party!

“Another time, John was driving around and around the block in his car with Michelle aged around five, in the boot, to see if she could tell him where a mystery rattle was coming from.

Florence and David said that “Our beloved John was certainly a master of zany situations and we love him very much.”

 Mike Kelley:

“When I first met John about 20 years ago at Jackson Hole we became very good friends and he came every year after that to Jackson Hole and Colorado to ski. Much of the time he stayed with the Colorado Guys at the Village Center when we were at Jackson Hole. On many an occasion, we would go out for a night of heavy drinking at the Mangy Moose Pub followed by an alcohol-induced sleep. However, one early morning there was a knock at the door that woke us up. John was at the door with nothing more on than his underwear and it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. When he walked in a cloud resembling dry ice smoke came in across the floor. It seems that John (in his alcohol state of mind) meant to go the bathroom, but went out the wrong door and couldn’t find his way back to the room. He ended up sleeping in the building’s laundry room, curled up with the soiled laundry. That was when I realized that John was not only resourceful, but innovative as well.

“John also had other special qualities in addition to his smile and wonderful personality. He had a very high tolerance for pain. One day we were skiing a very steep slope in the trees that required freefall turns. He fell and was sliding headfirst into a tree. But, he was able to stiff arm the tree and save his head. But, it also bent his thumb back against his forearm. His whole hand turned black by the next morning and John could not get his ski glove on. Instead he put a ski hat around his hand and taped a ski pole in it so that he could still go skiing. Again he showed his resourceful skills. However, when asked about how his blackened hand felt, he said: ‘it hurts a bit’. I know that if any of us had an injury like that we would be screaming a lot and probably not ski for a few days. But not John. He loved skiing so much, that he could endure just about any problem in order to ski.

“John also had an ornery streak. He would quite often get a twinkle in his eye and take timid skiers to places that they didn’t think they could handle.  But, once they got into survival mode, they found out that they were fully capable of skiing that steep terrain.

“Another time, we were eating dinner at the restaurant in the basement of the Cowboy Bar. Very hot Jalapeno peppers were presented as part of the appetizers. John ate a whole one in one bite and told Mick Allibon it was “NICE”. Mick then proceeded to eat one the same way, with very different results. Mick’s eyes started watering profusely and he had a very difficult time putting the fire out in his mouth and stomach. John just giggled in his special way.

“We Yanks here in the States have lost a very dear friend and skiing buddy and we shall miss him dearly.”

Dave McCloskey: 

“I had the privilege of being John`s friend through the now departed Barbara Page of Georgetown. My times with John were fun times on skis. He was one of the most fun loving guys I have ever met. I don`t know if he ever took anything seriously. He told me a story of how he buried a coal car while working and what a funny story that was. It typified John.

“One day we got five feet of snow and I couldn`t get my car out, as it was too badly snowed in. So I walked down and found John shovelling his, so, together after three hours, were able to get his out. After all the work, the ride up to Loveland Ski Area was the most exciting of all. He didn`t know how to run the windshield wipers and the heater, so I had to reach over and figure that out. Then, the worst of all, he kept going on the wrong side of the road and I had to tell him that he was in America and that we drove on the other side!  After we arrived at the ski area, we were both exhausted from shovelling so, after a couple of runs, it was down to the bar for a couple of beers.

“The other time I remember quite well. We were skiing again at Loveland and in the trees. When I looked back, there was John, with head pointed down and skis wrapped around a tree unable to get loose. If I only had a camera that day, he was trapped until I climbed back up to untangle him from the trees.

“Lastly, he was funny after a few beers at our place here and very knowledgeable about our politics here in the US and, I might add, right on the money. If we had listened to him, we wouldn`t be in the mess we are in today. Miss you John.”

Laurie Phenix:

“I wish I could be there at this time.

“I always thought very highly of John and very much enjoyed his company.  I went to a couple of Jackson Hole trips with “My Buddies Ski Club” and what I remember about John was, in face of all of the craziness, he would sit nearby and just giggle.  He had a wonderful giggle and listening to his laugh used to make me laugh.

“Tim and I had him over numerous times and we always looked forward to talking with John.  There are so many stories. Mostly I remember all of the nonsense, bad jokes and excessive drinking and John, sitting there watching, giggling.

“He was such a strong skier and physically capable.  I remember watching him ski and knowing how much he loved it.  When you`re not faced with seeing the illness on a daily basis, it`s easy to imagine that it`s not really happening.  When I realized that John wasn`t traveling anymore, I couldn`t believe it.  It didn`t seem possible that this happened to someone so strong.

“There is not one bad thought of John in my mind.  He was always so pleasant.  Whenever I think of him, I always smile.  I only hope that when I leave this life, someone, somewhere will ‘always smile’ when they think of me.

“I already miss seeing him soooooo much and know that I`ll continue to miss him forever.  Please send my condolences to everyone there – all of his family and friends, those that I know and don`t know – please know that we here in Colorado are with you in spirit.

“I wish I had had more time to spend with him, love, Laurie”

Maree’s sister, Beverlie Mulrain, recalls the lovely holiday she, Maree and John had in Darwin and the Northern Territory, only last year, in March.

“We stayed at the Marina Bay Apartments in Cullen Bay, overlooking the harbour. It was an adventure of a holiday and we all wanted it to be special for John, as he was not well at the time, and it WAS special. He laughed and we laughed and at times we all cried.

“One special memory of that particular holiday and John and I laughed about it many times, goes like this: after spending time in Katherine Gorge in a power boat and visiting and enjoying Mataranka, we visited Elsie Homestead and Cemetery (of ‘We of the Never Never’ fame), but what John would remember most, was our visit to the hot spring pools. This was supposed to be a lovely place to relax and swim.

“But, as we walked the board walks to the hot springs, we realized the whole place was invaded by millions of screaming bats and before we could turn and run, we found ourselves covered in bat droppings and we all began to panic and try to run away. Maree, with John in tow headed for the car and I ran to get beer. John thought that was hilarious.

“Now imagine three grown adults with bat droppings all over, heading north in the car, 450 kilometres from Darwin. We were not happy! Then the skies opened up and it was pouring down, so, we stopped the car and the three of us jumped out and washed ourselves in the pouring rain. I think it was then that Maree threw John`s shirt away as it was so stained and stunk so much.

“The rain was great, but what a sight, three adults removing our shirts and washing in puddles by the side of the highway. Over the next 12 months, John often laughed about that story. I only had to say to John “What about the bats? ” and immediately he would start to chuckle. That was our adventure and it was such a special time. Love you John.”


Chami Family:

“Chami said that John has been a top friend since the first day he arrived in Australia and is sorry he is unable to be here.  He remembers that John came to Sydney to collect him on arrival in this country and his car broke down on the highway just before Gosford. Not long after that he and Bob Dailey took him to a pub and taught him all the English swear words, which he used unknowingly on the family later.

“John was always there to teach the kids to ski or ride a bike. He would take you to the top of the mountain, on a day pass, for the very first time and expect you to master the technique by the time you reached the bottom of the mountain. ( Forget the free pomma for beginners.) The first time John skied, he went from the top, catapulting down to land in a creek at the bottom of Smiggins Hole. From then on, he was a professional. If he could do it anyone could!!

“John was always there if you needed him, especially if your car wouldn’t start after work or you locked your keys inside – you called him because you knew he would think it was funny rather than criticize you for being stupid. He was always there to lend a hand.

“John loved his red wine, but you made sure it was not near your good carpet or in a good glass – many times these came off second best. Whose white cat was stained red????

“He would stop at nothing to prove a point. We remember him building a model of neutrons and atoms for Nadya’s school science assignment.

“John had endless energy. Always there to drive the distance, have the last word in an argument, (sorry, discussion) and he had a driven interest in sporting pursuits.

“His sense of humour was unique – he loved practical jokes. Nobody was immune. You have endless material for this. One New Year’s Eve just before midnight, with a tray of glasses of champagne ready for distribution to guests, John pushed Marilyn into the swimming pool. Thinking back – how did he get away with it?? Kathy would also tell you the story of the time a lady came to the door collecting for orphaned children. John pushed a red-faced Kathy to the door holding out a baby. (Maree and Darryl’s I think)

“He had a strong determination to win. I remember one rainy Christmas Day in the early 90’s when we played Polyconemy – an economics game similar to Monopoly that the kids received for Christmas. It ended up in an argument about the rules and has never been played since.

“John was John!!!” 




Veronica said that knowing that many stories would be told about John, she “wanted to provide a brief glimpse of his private side – the part that people rarely saw.

John was extraordinarily generous and had a great deal of compassion for anyone who needed help. He was also a very shy man underneath all the humour and bravado, although others would sometimes find that hard to believe.  He made friends easily and his friends were lifelong friends, and many of his closest friends are here today.

“He was totally passionate about his sport. Whether it was car rallying, motorbikes, soccer or skiing.   A great daredevil and storyteller.  He made us all laugh so many times. We shared so many special times with our very close family and our wonderful friends.

He loved his Grandchildren very much and spent a lot of time with them when he was able to.”

Veronica and I and the family would particularly like to acknowledge Maree. As most people here are aware, she is a most amazing woman.  Her love and care have been boundless.  She and John found each other late in life, but for each of them it has been the love of their lives. They were each other`s north and south and east and west.

There are important messages for all of us in John’s early, untimely passing. One of these is that it is so important to live life to the full. John was a fantastic exemplar of this philosophy.  Another is that at the foundation of life is love – love for family, love for friends and love for mankind. John was a great example of someone who truly and unconditionally loved others. He did not harbor anger or regrets, for these things tear us apart. The great British poet, Rudyard Kipling, said “Throw overboard useless regretting, of things that you cannot undo and learn the great art of forgetting, old things that embitter the new.”

Farewell, John Lunn.

4 June 2008

From your “kiddo” Michelle

There is only one thing I want to say. And that is thank you, Daddy, for being my best friend, the coolest father, my biggest hero. All that I am, all that I wish I could be, comes from you. You have guided me with laughter and love and I feel like I will stumble in the dark without you. But I know that you will light my path and guide me to where I am meant to be.

I know that you would still be laughing about the lobster. A masterful and skillfully planned and executed prank that I cherish and still twitch from every day. Not every teenage girl gets a real live lobster thrown into her steaming hot bath with her.

No one will outdo that.  But that was your beauty, the magic of you, inspirational, funny, spontaneous and creative.

I remember a fantastic voyage of invention and dare devilry. Your little girl wanted a kite, no store bought mediocre kite would do.  No, No! “We can build a kite”, I remember you saying, with your wonderful smile.  Two hours later, a hula hoop, some glad wrap, a ball of string and we were off,.. well with the help of the car, we did get it off the ground. You sat me in the boot with my kite in tow and we traveled the streets till it flew. There was no giving up, no giving in, you stuck with me all day till my kite flew. Like everything in life, you have lifted me and your wondrous and mad humour has forever touched me.

I grew up with music. Rock and blues and every Bob Dylan song known to Man. My life has been inspired by the music you gave to me. Today, music is an integral part of my life. I know, Dad, that you enjoyed, so much, coming to watch and listen to Murray play his music.

Again, thank you for being my Dad. Thank you for being Murray’s Mate and thank you for being the best Granddad my children could even have had in their lives. The generation gap between you, me, Katrina and Joshie, was bridged through Monty Python,  the Life of Brian and your lovely energy.  Hey, Dad, we love you so much and will be connected to you forever.

From Murray (Son in-law and buddy)

You connected so well with me as well. We remember so well, our common love of Garfield, South Park  and the Far Side . We would sometimes sit for hours, reading and exchanging crazy cartoons and stories, laughing all the way. Something I will always remember is your golden advice: ‘you can fix anything, with a hammer!!’ Love you, John.

Hey John

we have known you all our lives – Christie, Con, Michael and Maria – the Sydney gang.

Everytime we saw you, you would greet us with a “Hi Kiddo!”  or “hello cous (cousin)”.

All those years of coming to Swansea for our holidays, we couldn`t wait, and each time you made sure you were there. Even though we were younger than you and you were into “grown up” stuff way before we were, you would play with us, tell jokes, hang with us. Of course, you introduced the boys to some of the more energetic activities like fast driving and drinking – but looked over them and included them in your life.

We remember your fondness for our parents Shirley and Tony and how much you enjoyed sharing sordid jokes and fanciful stories with them, especially Shirley.

There was always lots of discussion about politics and sport and we loved the way you could always give a succinct summary of the political events of the day and of the latest politicians.

You were mischievous and liked to take the mickey out of things that happened in everyday life – but always with good humour.

You never let the truth get in the way of a good story, and there were many stories…

We have so many great memories and when we think of you we remember the quiet laugh, the warmth and cheeky humour, and those stories!

We miss knowing you are around.

All our love

Tony, Christie, Con, Michael and Maria

Two months have passed but the hurt is just as hard to bear. Walk slowly John until I catch up with youI .love you heaps     your Mother       Florence

Dear John,it is always hard for a parent to lose a much loved child and the fact that you should have been able to enjoy many more years of living makes me even sadder. I don`t have the comfort of being able to visit your resting place for moments of silent reflection and that makes my loss even harder to bear and is  sad and a really cruel thing to have happened.          Love you lots and forever           Mum:


25/12/2008.   Missing you ,thinking of you and loving you but it is comforting to know you are with your Dad ,your brother Ray and Aunty Shirley


Love Mum and DAVID

4/03/1948……1/6/2008    To our beloved son and brother  John

It doesn`t take a special day to bring you to our minds

A day without a thought of you is very hard to find

 Still loved ,still missed,still very dear,

From your Mother  and brother David

John Lunn    4/3/48……….1/6/08

Twelve months have passed ,   where has the time gone.

We will not forget you .

Love You………The Sydney Relo`s:

Doesn’t matter if the year has passed – still missing you just as much dad. I look for your guidance in everything I do and see you everywhere I go. I know you are with me and I love the bike rides we go on together in my dreams like just last night. Those are the wonderful times we can spend together now.  Love you so much


In loving memory of our brother -in-law and Uncle.

Deep in our hearts his memory is kept, to love and remember and never forget.   Christa, Kim .Peta  and Tara and families

If we had the world to give ,we would give it all and more just to see our loved ones standing at our door.    Florence  and David

Tomorrow is John`s 62 birthday and I remember well the day he was born at Catherine Hill Bay  maternity hospital, John always loved The Bay and we would often visit there and have breakfast on the cliff overlooking the ocean.

Those were happy times that will stay with me for ever, if only my lovely son was still with me so that I could say “Happy Birthday ` to him and give him a great big hug.

David wishes to say “Happy Birthday” brother.

We will meet again one day.

All our love Mum and David


Happy Birthday Dad, Looking forward to spending the day with you in spirit, missing you so very much.  At least the wonderful  memories are starting to push aside the grief and I can smile again when I think of you J

You were, are and always will be my very best friend

Love you Daddy



Happy Birthday Poppy, we love you very much and miss you

Katrina and Joshua


John Lunn 1/6/10

 On   Tuesday  Our much loved son and brother will have been gone from our family for two years but he will never be gone from our hearts or minds,he is missed constantly and we have him in our thoughts daily, sometimes with smiles when we remember his weird sense of humour and other times with tears  when our sadness gets to much to bear.

    Loved and sadly missed by his mother Florence and brotherDavid

Dear John,

On1/6/10/ you will have been gone from our family for two long years.

We love and miss you and we think of you often,sometimes with laughter when we think of your zany humour and other times with tears when the sadness gets to much to bear:

You are still loved ,still missed ,still very dear

Your mother Florence and brother David

4/3/2011      Dear John, today is your 63rd birthday and how we wish you were here to share it with us .We love and miss you,we will never forget your zany sense of humor or your S… Happens attitude.   Lots of love Mum and David

Hi Dad, still missing you so much, but I know you are with me and the family all the time. Always in my heart, never apart. Love you Daddy/Poppy

Michelle, Murray, Katrina and Josh


Hey John,  Still missing you heaps,  it really doesn`t get easier.  Happy birthday mate, Laurie and Michael xxx

4.3.1948 – 1.6.2008







Today our much loved son and brother should have been celebrating his sixty fourth birthday, he has been in our thoughts all day. We can only hope he knows we send our love.

             His mother Florence and brother David


John LUNN.

4/3/48 – 1/6/08.

Our much loved son and brother,

Still loved : still missed : still very dear.

Mum & David.


Hi dad, not a day goes by without missing you in my life. I know you are with us all and jos reminds me every day of your witty humour.

Thankyou for being our protecting angel, I know you would rather be off skiing

Love you Dad

Murray and Michelle, Katrina and Joshua


Missing you so very much today. Happy Birthday Dad, wish i could give you a hug. You are still the moon and stars to me

Love MIchelle


Today would have been John`s 65th birthday ,how we wish he was still with us, we still miss him and think of him every day.

His mother Florence and brother David.


John Lunn 4/3/1948……1/6//2008






Thinking of you today dad / poppy

From Michelle Murray Katrina and Josh



Happy Birthday Dad

4th March

Love you so very much and wish I could give you a great big kiss and hug.

Always in our thoughts and dreams.

Love your kiddo


And Love from Murray, Katrina and Joshua 2014

On 4/3/14 it will be our much loved son and brothers 66th birthday, how we wish he was still here with us,

Not a day passes that we don`t think of him.. Time goes on but we still miss him as much as the day he left us.

Love from Mum and David

JOHN LUNN 4/3/48……….1/6/08

Time passes but loving memories remain.

Never forgotten

Missed ,much LOVED


There is not a single person that met you Dad that doesn’t miss you.

You were an amazing person, a great friend, a wonderful son and the best Dad and Poppy on earth!!

You are always in our hearts and mind.

We love you so very much

Florence, David, Michelle, Murray, Katrina and Joshua






JOHN LUNN 3/3/1948 1/6/2008

Eight years long have passed

Still sadly missed and loved

Not a day goes by that we don`t think of him.

From his mother Florence and brother David.

Love you my darling son,

Thinking of you always

Florence Lunn


John Lunn


Happy Birthday Dad

Love you heaps

Miss you every day

Michelle, Murray, Katrina and Joshua


Happy Birthday

My Beloved Son John

Still sadly missed

Mother Florence and brother David.














Love as always

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